Despite the fact that so many companies, celebrities, and individuals have denounced Trump’s anti-immigrant comments, his recent surge in the polls is reenergizing extreme anti-immigrant members of the Republican Party. These anti-immigrant extremists are looking to capitalize on Trump’s momentum by introducing enforcement-only legislation that scapegoat immigrant communities. If...
It would seem as if the State of Texas has found a new way to make life difficult for immigrant families. Earlier this year, America’s Voice reported on how the Texas Legislature attempted to repeal the Texas Dream Act, which provides in-state tuition for undocumented students across the Lone...
Si vamos a tener un debate sobre política migratoria, pasemos de la política del “te agarré” a soluciones reales Mientras Donald llegó a la frontera este día, el Efecto Trump se exhibe en Washington. El Partido Republicano está siguiendo el ejemplo de Trump al preparar votos sobre medidas antiinmigrantes...
New Report Explores Ohio’s Role As a “Border State”; Highlights What’s At Stake As Gov. Kasich Joins the 2016 Race and the Immigration Debate Remains on National Stage Immigration is already poised to be one of the most talked about topics of the 2016 race. Ohio Governor John Kasich’s...
In our third Dignity Days event yesterday, leaders from New York, Florida, and Connecticut joined our broadcast to discuss the fight for municipal ID cards and the effect victories from those fights have had on immigrant communities around the nation. As Juan Escalante previously noted, “over the years we...
If We Are Going to Have a Debate on Immigration Policy, Let’s Move from Gotcha Politics to Real Solutions While the Donald heads to the border today, the Trump Effect is on display in Washington. The GOP is following Donald Trump’s lead by staging votes on piecemeal anti-immigrant measures in...
In a statement earlier today, the Obama Administration threatened to veto House Resolution 3009, anti-immigrant legislation also known as the Donald Trump Act. “This bill fails to offer comprehensive reforms needed to fix the Nation’s broken immigration laws, undermines current Administration efforts to remove the most dangerous convicted criminals...
English (en español al final de la página): AP: Trump’s Border Trip Comes as GOP Tries to Woo Hispanics Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump to Tour U.S.-Mexico Border to Draw Attention to Illegal Immigration By Rebecca Ballhaus Politico: Donald Trump heading to the border By Nick Gass ABCNews: Donald...
Donald Trump is driving the Republican immigration policy agenda – and defining the GOP’s brand image to Latino voters in the process. As Donald Trump heads to the border tomorrow—on a personal invitation from Breitbart and the local Border Patrol no less—we present a review of actual facts that belie the “out of control border”...
Rather than taking up a comprehensive approach to finally deal with our broken immigration system, Republicans are rushing piecemeal legislation — being referred to by many as the “Donald Trump Act” — that only seeks to cast immigrant families as criminals. This proposed legislation stems from Congressional Republican leaders bowing...