English (en español al final de la página):
AP: Trump’s Border Trip Comes as GOP Tries to Woo Hispanics
Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump to Tour U.S.-Mexico Border to Draw Attention to Illegal Immigration
By Rebecca Ballhaus
Politico: Donald Trump heading to the border
By Nick Gass
ABCNews: Donald Trump Is Headed to the US-Mexico Border
By Conor Kelly
MSNBC: Donald Trump heading to the border amid beef with Rick Perry
By Jane C. Timm
ABC News: Immigration Critics Drive Trump Surge; Yet Most Americans Favor Legal Status
By Chad P. Kiewiet de Jonge
Politico: Donald Trump threatens GOP with third-party run
By Nick Gass
The Hill: Exclusive: Trump threatens third-party run
By Kevin Cirilli and Bob Cusack
New York Times: Donald Trump, Stealing Spotlight With Caustic Comments, Eclipses His Rivals
By Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin
AP: Republican contenders scrambling to adjust to ‘Trumpism’
By Bill Barrow
Fox News: Cruz Praises Trump: ‘He’s Taking on the Washington Cartel’ [VIDEO]
MSNBC: Rick Perry: Trump’s candidacy a ‘cancer on conservatism’
By Adam Howard
Politico: Rick Perry: Donald Trump will destroy the Republican Party
By Katie Glueck
Huffington Post: Scott Walker Has No Good Answer For Kids Whose Dad Could Be Deported
By Matt Ramos
Roll Call: White House Faults GOP for Sanctuary Cities
By Steven Dennis
Politico: House Republicans plan more immigration legislation
By Seung Min Kim
The Hill: Immigration hardliner says he’ll support sanctuary cities bill
By Cristina Marcos
New York Times: Most Undocumented Immigrants Will Stay Under Obama’s New Policies, Report Says
By Julia Preston
AP: Texas fights immigrants’ lawsuit over birth certificates
By Seth Robbins
New York Times: From an ‘Undocumented’ Boyhood to a Doctorate
By Liz Robbins
Politico Magazine (Opinion): Is Trump Right To Alienate Hispanics?
By Daniel J. McGraw
Politico Magazine (Op-Ed): Donald Trump’s Birther Strategy
By Jeff Greenfield
Washington Post (The Fix): A big majority of Americans are ‘soft’ on immigration, they probably just won’t vote that way
By Janell Ross
Roll Call (Op-Ed): Solving the Sanctuary Cities Problem
By Rep. Lamar Smith
Washington Post (Opinion): The risks of sanctuary cities
By Charles Lane
San Francisco Examiner (Op-Ed-California): Consider Victims if Policy Changes
By Orchid Pusey and Maria Carolina Morales
En español:
Cámara votará plan de ciudades santuario
El sabio consejo de Pitbull
Por Maribel Hastings
Congreso busca cambios tras homicidio en San Francisco
Congresistas buscan negar fondos a “ciudades santuario”
Visita de Donald Trump a la frontera texana causa molestia
Donald Trump visitará este jueves la frontera Estados Unidos-México (Laredo)
Donald Trump planea visitar la frontera de Texas y México
¿Qué busca Donald Trump con su visita a la frontera de Texas y México?
Donald Trump visitará frontera entre EE.UU. y México durante viaje de campaña
¿Se quedará la campaña de Trump sin oxígeno?
Reguladores publican detalles sobre riqueza de Donald Trump
Por Jeff Horwitz y Stephen Braun
Trump, una piedra en el zapato
La Opinión: Un espectáculo para recordar
La Casa Blanca cree que hay consenso sobre inmigración pese a Trump
Se perfila voto latino como clave en elecciones de Estados Unidos
Número de inmigrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos se estabiliza en 1.3 millones