Washington, DC –  Cuando la Cámara Baja controlada por los republicanos lleve a cabo este miércoles su reunión a puerta cerrada, los miembros del Congreso harían bien en preguntar al líder de la mayoría Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) que les relate la fábula de la defunción del Partido Republicano en... Continuar »
El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU., el republicano John Boehner, insistió hoy en que se debe incrementar la seguridad fronteriza antes de iniciar la legalización de los inmigrantes indocumentados, en vísperas de que su partido analice el tema.  “La Cámara de Representantes hará su propia labor... Continuar »
Activistas pro inmigrantes tienen la mira puesta en un puñado de congresistas republicanos de California cuyo voto es necesario para que la Cámara de Representantes produzca su versión de la ley de reforma migratoria que ya se aprobó en el Senado federal.  Hoy martes, una coalición de estos grupos... Continuar »
By Amanda Bonilla: This morning, a large group of United We Dream organizers and supporters held citizenship classes and study-ins in the House office buildings, while other DREAMers took the initiative to visit their Representatives in Washington DC. It was the first time visiting Washington DC for many, and... Continuar »
Tomorrow, House Republicans are gathering together for a closed-door, no-press meeting on immigration, where it is fully expected that anti-immigrant zealots like Steve King will try to rant the captive audience into opposing immigration reform. We’d like to be a fly on that wall, but it’s probably not even... Continuar »
Leonard Nimoy, of Spock and Star Trek fame, apparently supports immigration reform. As he tweeted out today: Is it possible we’ll get immigration reform ? Done in the Senate. Up to the house to get millions out of the shadows. LLAP — Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) July 9, 2013 Creating... Continuar »
Below is a press release on new polling from Public Policy Polling and the Alliance for Citizenship: PPP Pollster Says: “House Republicans Could Face Voter Backlash”  As House Republicans get ready to hold their immigration summit on Wednesday, July 10, Public Policy Polling released seven new polls today showing voters—including... Continuar »
Since the last election, when Mitt Romney lost Latino voters by more than a 3-1 margin, leading Republicans have emphasized the need for the GOP to better reach out to minorities and broaden their base.  The RNC released an entire report on the inroads the Republicans must make, while GOP legislators from... Continuar »
The day before tomorrow’s House Republican internal meeting on immigration, Latino Decisions, America’s Voice, CHIRLA Action Fund and SEIU outlined the opportunities and challenges House Republicans face as they decide how to move forward this year. Said Professor David Damore, Senior Analyst for Latino Decisions and Associate Professor of Political... Continuar »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions Despite growing popular support among non-Latinos both nationally and in key swing states in favor of immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship, the conventional wisdom suggests that the bipartisan legislation that recently passed the Senate faces an uphill battle in the Republican controlled... Continuar »