Jun 10, 2013
Once again, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) is leading the charge to undermine immigration reform. As our Executive Director here at America’s Voice Frank Sharry has noted, Cornyn has played that role before, the last time immigration reform legislation was debated in 2006-2007. This time, Cornyn is planning to introduce a...
Un nuevo reporte de la organización Human Impact Partners mostró que en Estados Unidos cerca de 43,000 niños ciudadanos, hijos de indocumentados, experimentarán problemas de salud mental y física, si las deportaciones se mantienen en los niveles actuales. A nivel nacional alrededor de 4.5 millones de niños ciudadanos viven...
El senador republicano Marco Rubio anticipó que el proyecto de reforma migratoria logrará los 60 votos necesarios para evitar un bloqueo en el pleno del Senado, donde se comenzará a debatir esta semana. En una entrevista con el programa “Al Punto” de la cadena en español Univision, sobre si...
The Hill: Immigration reform hinges on Rubio proposals for border security By Alexander Bolton National Journal: The Two Faces of Marco Rubio By Rebecca Kaplan Bloomberg: Top Democrats Ready to Oppose Views to Save Immigration By Kathleen Hunter Talking Points Memo: GOP In A Bind As Dems Reject Cornyn’s...
In this week’s address, President Obama talked about the Gang of 8 immigration bill, which hit the Senate floor yesterday. The President urged the Senate to act quickly to pass the bill in order to fix our broken immigration system. Watch the video here. Transcript is below: Remarks of...
Jun 7, 2013
Today, America’s Voice Education Fund alongside other immigration advocates, policy experts and labor leaders held the fifteenth in a series of weekly “Office Hours” press briefings. Each week, a different and diverse group of speakers from a range of backgrounds shares the latest information on the players, politics, legislation...
The weeping family members of deportees met with Rep. Gutierrez and other Congressmembers this week, and President Obama is facing protests in California today over his deportation policies, but apparently Jeff Sessions actually believes that “nobody” is being deported from the US anymore. “The federal government has reached a point...
There’s been a lot of news about Senator John Cornyn’s plans to introduce a poison pill border security amendment when the Gang of 8 immigration bill hits the floor next week. This afternoon, Greg Sargent reports on a very important development: Senate Democrats aren’t going along with Cornyn. They...