NEW RESOURCE: Review of key amendments filed in Senate Judiciary Committee from America’s Voice This morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee cast a near-unanimous vote against an amendment from Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to unduly restrict future legal immigration into the country over the next decade.  Sessions was the only... Continue »
Today, one of the leading anti-immigrant voices in the country, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), hosted a press conference to rail against the Senate’s immigration reform bill. In its coverage of the event, Buzzfeed reported a “Small Turnout For Anti-“Amnesty” Leaders In Congress.” If you’re so inclined, watch the presser here. We heard... Continue »
Liveblogging the CIR Markup, Day 2: 2:07 PM: By the way, during the earlier discussion of Sessions’ amendment 1, Sen. Sessions repeated the conservative claim that immigration reform will hurt African-American workers. Peter Curstenow testified before our committee, a member of the civil rights commission along with Abigail Thurstrom a... Continue »
The following is a press statement from the Reform Immigration for Texas Alliance, in response to the immigration video Sen. John Cornyn released this week: Sen. Cornyn’s Concern over Migrant Deaths Must Match His Votes The Senator is in the position to alleviate this humanitarian crisis at the border,... Continue »
Activistas a favor de los inmigrantes pidieron el lunes al presidente Barack Obama que ponga fin a las deportaciones de aquellas personas que podrían legalizar su permanencia de acuerdo a la nueva iniciativa de reforma migratoria.  Los activistas se han quejado desde hace tiempo de las deportaciones sin precedentes... Continue »
Hoy martes, el Comité Judicial del Senado continuará debatiendo enmiendas sobre reforma migratoria enfocándose en las medidas para determinar el flujo futuro de trabajadores altamente cualificados.  En la propuesta se le conoce como título IV al capítulo dedicado a cambios en los programas de visas para no inmigrantes. Entre... Continue »
The anti-immigrant ProEnglish, founded by white nationalist John Tanton, is now running ads against the immigration reform bill. And, this time, the extreme opponents of immigration reform are being seen for what they are. Buzzfeed’s headline reads: Controversial “Pro-English” Group Launches Ad Campaign To Take Down Immigration Reform. The subtitle is even... Continue »
Amendments are divided into the following topics: Path to Citizenship Legal Immigration Border Enforcement Interior Enforcement and Due Process Employment and Labor Law Integration and Public Benefits Updated May 28, 2013 | Download PDF Path to Citizenship Good Blumenthal 1 (Title II): Allows young DREAMers who are still in... Continue »
Yesterday, advocates with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, United We DREAM, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund held a press conference asking President Obama to stop deporting future citizens.  Here’s David Nakamura at the Washington Post covering: Immigration advocates called on President Obama on Monday to... Continue »