UPDATE: Here’s Jamelle Bouie at the Washington Post today, writing about this story and how it relates to immigration reform: Pantoja’s departure from the Republican Party is instructive. Not only does it illustrate the dynamic of the last four years — where Latino voters responded to negative Republican rhetoric... Continue »
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is up to his old tricks on immigration.  Today, he issued a new video highlighting the depths of his hypocrisy when it comes to getting serious about reforming our broken system.  Below is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund,... Continue »
We’ve written a few pieces about the Heritage Foundation’s complete implosion last week following the release of their panned economics of immigration study and the revelation that one of its co-authors believes that “Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren.”  At the Deseret News today is a great piece... Continue »
El Día de las Madres tiene un sabor agridulce para todas ellas y por eso han alzado su voz. En vigilias, audiencias y protestas, las madres del Capitolio no se quedan tranquilas. Son aquellas mujeres que además del trabajo y cuidado de sus familias, dedican parte de su tiempo... Continue »
El analista Jason Richwine, coautor de un informe de la conservadora Fundación Heritage sobre los altos costos de una legalización de indocumentados, renunció hoy en medio de una controversia por comentarios que sus detractores consideraron racistas.  Richwine indicó en una disertación en la Universidad de Harvard que el coeficiente... Continue »
Last week featured several major developments that significantly strengthened the prospects of immigration reform… Continue »
Though it can be difficult to recognize pivotal moments during the middle of a debate, last week featured several major developments that significantly strengthened the prospects of immigration reform. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund: When immigration reform legislation is signed into law and... Continue »
Ascendant Pro-Reform Conservatives Recognize that the Longer Bill Process Plays Out, the Worse the Anti-Reform GOPers Make Party Look  Though it can be difficult to recognize pivotal moments during the middle of a debate, last week featured several major developments that significantly strengthened the prospects of immigration reform. According... Continue »
Last week, Jason Richwine, who co-authored the deeply flawed report on the costs of immigration reform the Heritage Foundation, made big news when we learned that his 2009 dissertation was on IQ and immigration and included this: No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but... Continue »