Erika’s mom and brother are safe at home for now, but they could still be deported at any time. Sign this petition asking ICE to stop their deportation… Continue »
Late last night, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided the home of Arizona DREAM leader Erika Andiola and detained her mother, Maria Arreola, and her brother, Heriberto Andiola Arreola.  After immediate mobilization by the family’s supporters, and DREAMers and supporters from across the country, Heriberto and Maria were released... Continue »
 Earlier this week, the Migration Policy Institute published a report, Immigration Enforcement in the United States: The Rise of a Formidable Machinery. The headline of MPI’s press release summed up its findings, “U.S. Spends More on Immigration Enforcement than on FBI, DEA, Secret Service & All Other Federal Criminal... Continue »
La Cámara de Comercio, el mayor grupo empresarial de EE.UU., apostó hoy por una reforma migratoria que facilite la llegada de trabajadores cualificados al país, y aseguró estar manteniendo contactos con legisladores y sindicatos para lograr “el mayor consenso” sobre este asunto. Continue »
Immigration reform is the #1 (non-fiscal) legislative priority this year, and everyone’s getting onboard–including business interests and the Chamber of Commerce.  From the Associated Press today: The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says the organization is joining forces with labor, faith organizations, law enforcement and ethnic groups... Continue »
Mississippi, well-aware of how HB 56 in Alabama turned out, is wary of proceeding with its own anti-immigrant bills.  Texas is backing away from last year’s push to crack down on immigrants.  Even Georgia is seeking to make changes to its current legislation. Kansas, however, it seems is another... Continue »
The victory signifies the changed nature of immigration reform–and how common-sense immigration policies are on the rise…     Continue »