The religious and evangelical community have been longtime supporters of immigration reform and today, members of the Evangelical Immigration Table launched a renewed effort to push Congress to pass legislation. According to Jaweed Kaleem at the Huffington Post today: The Evangelical Immigration Table, which includes members of World Relief,... Continue »
The restrictionist Center for Immigration Studies held a panel this morning digging in their heels and trying to convince America why we should not progress forward with immigration reform.  Entitled “Amnesties: Past, Present, and Future,” the panel featured three of their staff members (can it be called a panel if everyone... Continue »
Erika Andiola’s mother and brother have been released, but hundreds of thousands of friends and family members are deported every year…   Continue »
Cross-posted at MomsRising: Immigration reform will be a top legislative priority this year, and it won’t be some vague policy or philosophical change that we’re asking for.  The coming battle to change our immigration policy is personal, and we fight it every day to protect our mothers, fathers, children,... Continue »
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: WASHINGTON, DC – El pasado viernes recibí dos correos electrónicos casi al mismo tiempo. Uno sobre las figuras que participarán de las diferentes galas que celebrarán la semana entrante la segunda toma de posesión del presidente Barack Obama, y otro sobre... Continue »
At Crooks and Liars, Dave Neiwert has an excellent post titled “The Coming Fight on Immigration Reform: What Progressives Want.”  He lays out a very clear agenda, setting the stage for the upcoming immigration debate from a position of strength. Given the results of the 2012 election, the fact that... Continue »
New York Times: Obama Will Seek Citizenship Path in One Fast Push By Julia Preston January 12, 2013 Washington Post: Marco Rubio: Riding to the Immigration Rescue By Matthew Kaminski January 11, 2013 New York Times: After Immigration Arrests, Online Outcry, and Release By Fernanda Santos January 11, 2013... Continue »