Huffington Post (The Road Forward Series): Immigration Reform in 2013: An Idea Whose Time Has Come By Frank Sharry January 15, 2013 New York Times: Rubio Pushes His Party on Immigration Changes By Julia Preston January 15, 2013 Talking Points Memo: How Unions Went From Border Hawks To Immigration... Continue »
La campaña, denominada “I was a stranger” (“Yo era un forastero”), llama a los feligreses a leer versículos de la Biblia relacionados con inmigración durante un periodo de 40 días, durante los cuales opiniones sobre políticas migratorias pueden cambiar en la mente del lector, y así a ayudar a... Continue »
El alcalde de la ciudad de Los Ángeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, señaló hoy que el Congreso y el gobierno federales deben abordar el tema del control de armas sin descuidar la urgencia de una reforma migratoria integral. “Se oirá a algunos señalar la tragedia de la escuela primaria Sandy Hook para... Continue »
Cross-posted at Huffington Post. After the president’s resounding reelection over his Massachusetts-based challenger, many pointed to the president’s performance among Latino voters as critical. The president had won close to a record percentage of Latino voters for a candidate from his party, a crucial fact in an election featuring... Continue »
New developments in the immigration debate offer fresh evidence that immigration reform that creates a roadmap to citizenship for 11 million immigrants is going to be a top priority in 2013… Continue »
New developments in the immigration debate offer fresh evidence that immigration reform that creates a roadmap to citizenship for 11 million immigrants is going to be a top priority in 2013. Among the key developments: White House Gears Up:  A front-page piece from Julia Preston in the Sunday New... Continue »
The President Promised It; Republicans Need It; The Movement is Ready to Deliver It  New developments in the immigration debate offer fresh evidence that immigration reform that creates a roadmap to citizenship for 11 million immigrants is going to be a top priority in 2013. Among the key developments:... Continue »