The Toledo Blade has an editorial out today talking about how Donald Trump-style immigration policies are not just bad politics for the Republican Party, but also bad policy for the country as a whole. As the editorial board writes: Despite Mr. Trump’s apocalyptic predictions, the number of undocumented immigrants in this...
Immigration advocates from key states joined America’s Voice for a special broadcast on immigration before last night’s Republican Presidential debate, which was the first of the 2016 election season. Moderated by AV’s Juan Escalante, the broadcast focused on what viewers could expect from candidates during the debate, and featured...
** WATCH PARTY/MEDIA AVAILABILITY** Thursday, August 6th, 8-11pm (Debate starts at 9pm) Moncho’s Bar and Grill, 2317 Denison Avenue, Cleveland Pro-Immigrant Voters, Ohio Immigrants, and Advocates Attending Watch Party Available to Provide Real Time React to GOP Debate As GOP 2016 presidential candidates—including Ohio’s own Governor—take the debate stage...
Ohio Governor John Kasich is set to officially join the Republican presidential field. America’s Voice has released a series of resources that help track and make sense of Kasich’s immigration stance. Read a detailed backgrounder on John Kasich and immigration: Press statement and video: “In Iowa, Ohio Immigrant Family Confronts Gov....
Today, at the National Junior High Finals Rodeo in Iowa, Ohio leaders and impacted families confronted their own Governor, John Kasich, over his position on the President’s Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) and expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) programs. Traveling all the way from Ohio, 11...
Gov. Kasich and Attorney General DeWine Chose Party over People in Misguided Political Lawsuit Today, a three judge panel from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans denied the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) request for an emergency “stay” of the injunction on the President’s Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) and expanded Deferred Action for...
Some very encouraging news for Elizabeth Perez, an Ohio mom and honorably-discharged Marine Corps veteran who has been fighting for the return of her husband Marcos since his deportation in 2010. From WKYC-TV: This week, the Cleveland City Council passed an emergency resolution 15-0, urging the U.S. Department of...
On Tuesday, immigrant families from all across the country rallied in support of DAPA, which is on hold after a lawsuit from the Republican Governors and Attorneys General of 26 states. At one of yesterday’s events, DAPA-eligible families and leaders from Ohio’s Voice held a press conference and delivered...
Yesterday, 100 Ohioans and supporters from around the country walked 21 miles from Mentor to Cleveland, Ohio, in an effort to help reunite Elizabeth Perez’s family, torn apart by her husband’s deportation in 2010. Elizabeth is a mom of two young U.S. citizens, and is a ten-year veteran of...
A bipartisan group of over 150 DAPA-eligible immigrant families, DACA students, and Latino business-owners rallied in Ohio today in support of expanded DACA and DAPA, two immigration programs that stand to protect millions of immigrant families from separation. Ohio is one of the 26 states currently suing the Obama...