“I felt more substantial, having DACA” “I’m afraid I’ll have to be an ‘alien’ in a country I don’t know” Cleveland, OH – Dreamers from Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Findlay, Lorain, and across Ohio are available this week for media interviews about the U.S. Senate immigration debate. Sara Hamdi is a...
ICE Field Office Director Rebecca Adducci Has An “Appetite for Destruction” of Area Families Cleveland, OH – The Washington Post is out with a blazing editorial about the abject cruelty inherent in the Trump Administration’s deportation policy. Many of the examples they cite in their editorial come directly from the Detroit...
The contributions of America’s Dreamers – and the uncertainty they face after Trump killed the DACA program – continue to be highlighted in media across the United States. See below excerpts from Massachusetts, Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Texas, and Forbes magazine. WBUR, Boston’s NPR affiliate, published...

ICE Field Office Director Rebecca Adducci Has An “Appetite for Destruction” of OH & MI Families Cleveland, OH – With the surprise detention of Youngstown’s Amer Adi, Rebecca Adducci, Director of the Detroit Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, seems to be angling for a gold star from...

This is a Moment of Reckoning for Senator Rob Portman and Congressional Republicans; Will They Back and Fill for President, Or Take Step Forward and Pass Dream Act? Cleveland, OH – This week, our nation’s schoolchildren have been learning about the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. ...

Detroit ICE Should Stop Deporting Taxpayers and Caregivers, Focus on ‘Bad Hombres’ Cleveland, OH – In the Sunday paper, the Youngstown Vindicator published an editorial against the pending deportation of a downtown businessman, Amer Adi Othman. After decades in the U.S., Adi was schedule to be deported on January 7, 2018. Due to the unwavering...

In a last-minute reprieve, Ohio father Amer “Al Adi” Othman was granted a stay of deportation, keeping him with his family for now and saving him from a removal that was scheduled for this Sunday. The announcement is a victory for Adi; his family; Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), who...

Deportation would be “immoral and un-American” Cleveland, OH – Another impending family tragedy in Ohio is just business-as-usual for the Trump Administration’s immigration agency today, as they prepare to deport yet another loving father and caregiver of a disabled American child. The six year-old boy, who became paraplegic last...

Passing the Dream Act makes economic and moral sense A recording of today’s call is available here. Cleveland, OH — As the fate of the nation’s “Dreamers” will soon be decided by Congress, Policy Matters Ohio releases a new analysis about the economic contributions they are making in Ohio. Speakers on a press call reflected on...

CNN Poll: Americans Across Ideologies Agree Cleveland, OH – Today, A bipartisan group of governors, including Ohio’s John Kasich, sent a letter to congressional leaders in both parties urging them to “come together quickly to shape a bipartisan solution that allows our Dreamers to remain in the United States and continue their...