This week, Americans witnessed history as young DREAMers began applying for deferred action under the policy announced by President Obama. The event garnered intense attention in both English and Spanish Language media.  Univisión anchor Jorge Ramos said, “The day of DREAMS has arrived.  As of today DREAMers can present... Continue »
Regarding the 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants in America, GOP Nominee Vows to Veto the DREAM Act, Supports Self-Deportation and Sees Arizona’s Anti-immigrant Law as “Model for the Nation”  This week, Americans witnessed history as young DREAMers began applying for deferred action under the policy announced by President Obama. The... Continue »
America’s Voice supports Univisión’s efforts to have the presidential candidates participate in a candidate forum focused on the array of issues most relevant to the Latino community. Univisión, the nation’s largest Spanish language network, this week issued an invitation to the presidential candidates to participate in a candidate forum... Continue »
Both Candidates Should Seize Opportunity to Speak Directly to Latino Voters America’s Voice supports Univisión’s efforts to have the presidential candidates participate in a candidate forum focused on the array of issues most relevant to the Latino community. Univisión, the nation’s largest Spanish language network, this week issued an... Continue »
Yesterday, when Mitt Romney visited Birmingham, Alabama for a fundraising event at the city’s exclusive restaurant — “The Club” — he was met outside by a number of protestors from the Immigrant Youth Leadership Initiative of Alabama. The group chanted “education, not deportation” and held up signs that read... Continue »
Today, the first of nearly 1.7 million DREAMers can begin applying for deferred action under a program that was announced by President Obama earlier this year in June. (See the Washington Post article here.) The political impact of this is clear. Over the next month, hundreds of thousands of... Continue »
Candidate Pledges to “Reform Immigration” on Spanish Language Radio, Yet Refuses to Take Position on Smartest Immigration Policy Change in Decades With the DREAMer “Deferred Action” process set to begin tomorrow at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Mitt Romney still refuses to answer a simple question: on his... Continue »
Cross Posted at Latino Decisions and Latino Vote Matters: New analysis of state voter registration counts by Latino Decisions reveals strong growth in Latino registered voters across the 50 states.  In July, Ruy Teixeira and William Frey first analyzed the May 2012 Census data, and found that steady increases in the Latino... Continue »
The news that Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his running mate reinforces the Republican immigration status quo and is not going to help repair Romney’s low standing among Latino voters.  The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, reacting to... Continue »