Cross-Posted at Latino Vote Matters and Latino Decisions: In polling data released today, Latino Decisions reports that Latino registered voters oppose the Supreme Court decision to uphold the controversial provision in Arizona’s SB1070 law that would require state and local police to check immigration status if they suspect a...
La semana pasada Craig Romney, hijo del virtual nominado presidencial republicano, Mitt Romney, solicitó a los votantes latinos en el anuncio en español Los Invito a conocer mejor a su padre para apoyarle. Como quieran decirlo, lo, le, los, les o te invito, estaría bien si el candidato aclarara sus posturas,...
Commissioned by America’s Voice and Center for American Progress Action Fund, Latino Decisions releases national poll of Latino registered voters showing Barack Obama winning 70% of the Latino vote compared to 22% for Mitt Romney.
Today, Latino Decisions released a poll commissioned by America’s Voice and Center for American Progress, revealing how the SCOTUS ruling on SB 1070 has increased Obama’s standing with Latino voters. So, Jan Brewer and her obsessive push for that onerous and discriminatory anti-immigrant law has actually helped Obama increase...
Last month, Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released polling of Latino voters in five battleground states: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada and Virginia. On Friday, July 13th, President Obama campaigned in Virginia. Univision’s Jordan Fabian noticed the President’s stump speech included language on immigration: President Obama briefly departed from his...
New polling released by Washington Post/ABC News shows that while Americans remain frustrated with the status quo on immigration, they don’t think Mitt Romney would do a better job on the issue than Barack Obama. The poll also shows that the general public is animated by issues other than...
Cross-Posted at Huffington Post: The June 27th headline in the Wall Street Journaltrumpeted the arrival of a new era in the politics of immigration. “Obama Gains Among Latinos: Poll Finds Strong Support Among Public for Softer Stance on Youth Deportations.” The piece noted: “Americans by a wide margin favor President...
Latino Decisions and America’s Voice Examine Role of Immigration Reform in Presidential, House, and Senate Contests in AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA Washington, DC – Today, Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released the latest installment of their Latino voter poll in five battleground states (AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA). ...
June 2012 Latino Decisions and America’s Voice Examine Role of Immigration Reform in Presidential, House, and Senate Contests in AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA Today, Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released the latest installment of their Latino voter poll in five battleground states (AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA). In...
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Florida – El senador republicano de Florida, Marco Rubio, lamentó que el tema migratorio se utilice como “ping-pong” por ambas partes del espectro político evitando así una solución real, y aseguró que su idea legislativa a largo plazo para los Soñadores, engavetada sin ser presentada, no...