Cross-posted at the Hill: The first 100 days of President Obama’s second term has already delivered more progress on immigration reform than the 1,000-plus days of his first term. The first four years were dominated by Republican obstruction, Democrats’ inability to deliver on their pro-reform promises and the Obama... Continue »
The Hill (Opinion): Look to the next 100 days for historic breakthrough on immigration reform By Frank Sharry Washington Post: House conservatives to push own immigration agenda By David Nakamura and Ed O’Keefe Los Angeles Times: House Republicans offer piecemeal approach on immigration By Lisa Moscaro The Hill: Judiciary... Continue »
During a week in which House Republicans announced a plan to do immigration legislation piecemeal and some Senate Republicans, led by Jeff Sessions and Chuck Grassley, continue to insist that we must slow down immigration reform, Gang of 8 members Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator John McCain (R-AZ)... Continue »
Cross-posted at Daily Kos. This was a big week in anti-immigrant ranting for Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions (R-AL), the leader of the “Gang of Hate.” It’s becoming more and more clear that Sessions is on a mission to defeat immigration reform. You might even call it an obsession. At... Continue »
The Senate Gang of 8 immigration bill has been released, a number of hearings have been held, and markup is scheduled to start in a few weeks.  Meanwhile, the strength of the pro-immigration reform movement continues to demonstrate its power–and the movement is growing every day. This morning, Grover... Continue »
In 2010, NCLR found that 43% of immigrants who have the drive and commitment to become fully naturalized citizens cannot due so simply because they do not have the money for it. For months, we’ve been fighting for an inclusive pathway to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring Americans... Continue »
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) today announced that his committee will introduce a series of immigration bills staring with a mandatory E-Verify bill and an expanded guest worker program for agribusiness.  The following is a statement by Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice: Rep. Goodlatte knows full... Continue »
The Hill: House lawmakers pull immigration to the right By Russell Berman Politico: House Democrats get immigration briefing By Seung Min Kim NATIONAL The Hill: Dem lawmaker: Conservative opposition is stalling House immigration bill By Mike Lillis Wall Street Journal: Immigration Bill Uncertain in House By Patrick O’Connor and... Continue »
I’m fighting for a path to citizenship so that my family members can have the same opportunities I get as a citizen. What about you? We’re so excited that legislation is finally moving forward, but we have a long fight ahead to improve and protect it. We’ve heard a lot... Continue »
With the release of the Senate immigration bill last week and multiple hearings since then, it’s been a busy time in the world of immigration reform.  Here are some of the stories we wanted to make sure you haven’t missed. Nearly the entire Colorado Senate today passed a bipartisan... Continue »