No words can describe just who exactly the House GOP thinks it’s fooling, in releasing this new video today celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. The video begins by featuring House GOP leaders John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Kevin McCarthy, before going on to speaking parts from Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Bill... Continue »
Bob Goodlatte’s SAFE Act–or as we alternatively call it, the unSAFE Act, the Safe-to-Profile Act, and the Arpaio Act–is a punitive and discriminatory piece of legislation that House Republicans are expected to take up this fall.  Last week, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, led by Reps. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX) and... Continue »
Speaker Boehner and His Caucus Face Serious Pressure to Pass Reform from Back Home Outside Washington, the momentum and energy continues to build in favor of immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.  California just enacted a historic driver’s license bill; rallies, roundtables and visits are happening in key... Continue »
Last week, the California state legislature passed a bill that will finally allow undocumented immigrants to drive legally; Governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign it.  The bill is a big step forward in California, having failed in numerous legislative sessions in previous years.  It will allow immigrants to... Continue »
Last week’s civil disobedience action where more than 100 women were arrested protesting for immigration reform is apparently already producing results, with the announcement that Holman Acosta—husband to Latin American Coalition leader Leisha Acosta, one of the women arrested—will be released from an immigrant detention center in Georgia.  He has... Continue »
Associated Press: Advocates Turn to Obama for Action on Immigration By Erica Werner and Alicia Caldwell Washington Times: Obama: Senate immigration bill would pass House if it got a vote By Tom Howell Washington Post: Q&A with Julian Castro: Texas politics, the GOP and Hispanics, and a Biden-Clinton battle... Continue »
The following is a blog post from America’s Voice Managing Director Patty Kupfer, one of the women arrested in yesterday’s civil disobedience with We Belong Together: There’s been a lot of buzz about the women’s action yesterday and I’m glad for it.  Having had a day to reflect on... Continue »
It’s been an amazing summer for the immigration reform movement, one marked by thousands of pro-reform events across the nation and capped by 26 House Republicans coming out in support of a path to citizenship.  It wouldn’t have been possible without all the organizations who put local pressure on their Representatives to... Continue »
California–home to the largest number of Latinos, immigrants, and minorities in the nation–is taking a couple of significant steps forward for immigrants and immigration reform this week. And, as we’ve noted many, many times, California should serve as a wake-up call to the Republican Party. First, Governor Jerry Brown has indicated... Continue »
“Qué Pasa” is our weekly roundup of  news, opinion, and links from Spanish-Language online news publications: This week, Spanish-language media covered the growing support for the immigration reform movement, as well as the civil disobedience act on Capitol Hill where hundreds of women were arrested protesting for immigration reform. Univision: The... Continue »