With the immigration debate moving headlong into its legislative stage, the pressing question for Republican lawmakers remains – will most continue to side with the anti-immigrant voices in their midst?  Or will the GOP’s recent pro-immigration reform talk be followed with concrete action that demonstrates that the majority of... Continue »
Along with the State of the Union address tonight and the Senate Judiciary Committee’s immigration hearing tomorrow, there’s a lot of activity as the broad coalition supporting citizenship expands — and momentum continues to grow. Here’s an update on what else has been happening this week in immigration reform:... Continue »
Even on the Republican side, things have changed on immigration.  Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO), Tom Tancredo’s successor, now says that he supports a path to citizenship for some immigrants, and legal status for others, while Fox News’ Roger Ailes says “I don’t have any problem with a path to... Continue »
When President Obama gives his fifth State of the Union speech tonight, at least four DREAMers will be in the audience—Alan Aleman, Julieta Garibay, Gabino Sanchez, and Ambar Pinto.  Their presence will be a testament to how far the immigrant rights movement has come in recent years—as will the... Continue »
Tomorrow night, President Obama will deliver the State of the Union. After he’s finished, Senator Marco Rubio will deliver the Republican response in both English and Spanish. We are, of course, interested in what both have to say about the prospects for real immigration reform this year. Two weeks... Continue »
On Tuesday night, President Obama’s State of the Union address and the Republican response from Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) are expected to promote immigration reform, which has emerged as at top priority in 2013.  But Tuesday night will simply continue the momentum behind the reform effort initiated in January... Continue »
On Tuesday night, President Obama’s State of the Union address and the Republican response from Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) are expected to promote immigration reform, which has emerged as at top priority in 2013.  But Tuesday night will simply continue the momentum behind the reform effort initiated in January... Continue »