Last week, we reported on the alarming number of provisional ballots left over from last week’s election that still to be counted in Arizona.  Here’s a quick recap from the Arizona chapter of the ACLU: According to the Arizona Secretary of State, as of November 8 there were more... Continue »
A week out from the 2012 elections, it’s clear that Latino voters’ decisive role in the electorate has boosted the prospects and accelerated the timetable for passing immigration reform legislation.  Here are two key reasons why: 1. Without a significantly improved performance among Latino voters, the Republican Party’s future... Continue »
If one thing is clear coming out of the election, it’s this: the movement demanding citizenship for 11 million new Americans have triumphed over the anti-immigrant crowd. Mitt Romney embraced the anti-immigrant policy of “self-deportation,” thinking we would let it slide. He was wrong. In fact, many analysts have... Continue »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions, Latino Vote Matters, and Daily Kos: In his 1996 re-election President Bill Clinton attained 72 percent of the Latino vote, the highest level of Latino support of any presidential candidate—before this year. In 2012, President Obama set a new record, winning his second term in... Continue »
From John Boehner to Sean Hannity, from Eric Cantor to Charles Krauthammer, Republicans of all stripes have spent the last week coming to terms with how they must moderate their positions on immigration in order to win the Latino vote—or eventually face irrelevance as a party.  Here are even... Continue »
On a press call today national and state leaders discussed the path to victory for the recently passed DREAM Act in Maryland, which ensures that all Maryland kids whose families pay Maryland taxes are able to pay in-state tuition. Fred Yang, Partner, Garin Hart Yang Research Group, who has... Continue »
Leading Republican and conservative voices are coming to terms with the political imperative that the Party must evolve on immigration reform. According to Frank Sharry: The tectonic plates are shifting on immigration.  The fact that leading movement conservative voices are joining Republican leaders in calling for immigration reform that... Continue »
The 2012 elections demonstrate that, as the rest of the country takes note of the growing impact of Latino and new citizen voters, they should look to swing states like Arizona, Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico to see what that change could mean. Newly-released election-eve polling from impreMedia and Latino... Continue »
The Maryland DREAM Act won broad support in a state referendum this week, which means that Maryland DREAMers will continue to benefit from increased access to higher education in the state.  Thanks to voters in Maryland, the immigrant rights movement took another step forward at the ballot box. According... Continue »
As observers digest the 2012 election results, a consensus is emerging – from across the political spectrum – that both parties need to work together to pass common sense immigration reform. The realization is sinking in that the overwhelming importance of Latino voters this cycle and the role of... Continue »