Yesterday’s official launch of the deferred action program for DREAMers offered a reminder about how public policy changes can sometimes directly affect people’s lives.  Unfortunately, yesterday also brought a reminder of the way politics can butt in on even the most celebratory of days, bringing into view the sharp... Continue »
As DREAMers lined up to attend events around the country yesterday to learn more about the deferred action process and get help filling out their applications, America’s Voice decided to honor the day by sharing with our list of advocates the true meaning of the day — straight from... Continue »
WASHINGTON, DC – Ya comenzó el proceso para que los Soñadores soliciten la acción diferida que les concederá una protección temporal de la deportación y un permiso de trabajo. La idea es que la mayor cantidad de jóvenes elegibles se beneficien de la protección y no sean víctimas de... Continue »
Today, the first of nearly 1.7 million DREAMers can begin applying for deferred action under a program that was announced by President Obama earlier this year in June. (See the Washington Post article here.) The political impact of this is clear. Over the next month, hundreds of thousands of... Continue »