Right after I heard the Obama Administration’s deferred action guidelines, I went to the FAQ section on the USCIS website and searched for the word “travel.” As happy as I am about the fact that I will now be able to work and contribute to this country, I was...
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice Las filas de miles de jóvenes Soñadores a través del país dando el primer paso para conseguir un alivio temporal de la deportación mediante la acción diferida fueron difíciles de ignorar, pero la mancuerna presidencial republicana logró hacerlo. Aparte de repetir que...
Aug 17, 2012
The beginning of deferred action made for quite an historic day yesterday, with tens of thousands of DREAMers lining up from Chicago to El Paso to Los Angeles waiting to receive assistance on their applications. Yet in the midst of a nationwide celebration and day of victory, there remained...
Just how far will Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer go? On Wednesday, a day when DREAMers all over the country were celebrating the beginning of President Obama’s deferred action program, Governor Brewer was busy playing the Grinch by issuing an executive order that would prevent local immigrant youth from being...
Yesterday, when Mitt Romney visited Birmingham, Alabama for a fundraising event at the city’s exclusive restaurant — “The Club” — he was met outside by a number of protestors from the Immigrant Youth Leadership Initiative of Alabama. The group chanted “education, not deportation” and held up signs that read...