Latino Decisions and America’s Voice Examine Role of Immigration Reform in Presidential, House, and Senate Contests in AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA Washington, DC – Today, Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released the latest installment of their Latino voter poll in five battleground states (AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA). ... Continue »
June 2012 Latino Decisions and America’s Voice Examine Role of Immigration Reform in Presidential, House, and Senate Contests in AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA Today, Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released the latest installment of their Latino voter poll in five battleground states (AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA).  In... Continue »
With a 5-3 majority vote, yesterday, the Supreme Court sent a strong signal to the nation that Arizona’s anti-immigrant law is NOT a model for our country.  The ruling was a warning to other states not to follow in Arizona’s footsteps. While the Justices ruled that most provisions of... Continue »
After a growing outcry by immigrants, allies, and Members of Congress, outraged at the record number of deportations carried out by the Obama Administration, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new policy in June 2011 that was supposed to focus immigration enforcement on the “worst of the worst” and spare... Continue »
Matt, Van, Adam and I were just in Providence, Rhode Island where we attended Netroots Nation 2012, the year’s biggest conference of online progressive activists. Netroots Nation was also where America’s Voice Education Fund and Latino Decisions unveiled our new highly anticipated interactive Latino voter map, much to the glee... Continue »