Sen. Dick Durbin continued his ongoing efforts to share the stories of DACA recipients, last Friday lifting up the story of Javier. Like many other DREAMers, Javier didn’t know he was undocumented until he tried to apply for financial assistance in order to attend college. Without DACA, higher education would have... Continue »
With General John Kelly Trump’s official pick to head the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), here are three key questions we want him to answer: Will you counsel President Trump to keep the DACA program for Dreamers in place? The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is an unqualified... Continue »
A growing number of states, cities, colleges, and faith communities are pledging to defend immigrant residents of their communities and rising up to say ‘no’ to Donald Trump’s deportation agenda. The strength, focus and breadth of this growing resistance promises to be an important bulwark for the effort to... Continue »
UPDATED 2/1/2017. Local leaders from 30 states and Washington, DC have now affirmed or are reaffirming commitments to help protect immigrant residents of their communities from Donald Trump’s destructive deportation proposals. Among the leaders from the states are mayors, police chiefs, faith leaders, the heads of large universities and private... Continue »
One of the first tests of Donald Trump’s presidency will be over the futures and livelihoods of the 750,000 DREAMers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). While Trump has pledged to end DACA on day one of his presidency, a range of voices are pointing out that this... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Los Angeles Times: When Trump says he wants to deport criminals, he means something starkly different than Obama By Brian Bennett Politico: Morning Shift: Trump’s Immigration Crackdown By Marianne Levine and Ted Hesson USA Today: After 11 years, Sen. Jeff Sessions... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): NBC: A Look Back at 6 Latino Moments in Hillary Clinton’s Campaign By Raul Reyes Buzzfeed: Latino And Immigrant Leaders Resigned To President Trump But Prepared To Fight Him By Adrian Carrasquillo NBC: The Yearlong Fight: ‘We Didn’t See Trump Coming’... Continue »
On a press call and webinar held today, Matt Barreto, UCLA Professor of Political Science and Chicano Studies, and Co-Founder of Latino Decisions, presented the results of the Latino Decisions Election Eve poll. The key finding: Latinos backed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a 78-19% margin.  Barreto also highlighted why the... Continue »
Donald Trump’s insult-laden campaign has given permission to many to vocally express their racist and intolerant views — even in our nation’s schools. Since the start of his candidacy, we’ve seen a flood of disturbing attacks on Latino and other students of color at the hands of pro-Trump students.... Continue »
Two of the new citizens who are voting for the first time this November aren’t just voting for themselves — they’re also voting for the undocumented immigrants who can’t vote. In the battleground state of Nevada — where early voting numbers are indicating Latino and immigrant voters are energized... Continue »