A recording of the call is here. Earlier today, advocates, policy experts and individuals whose lives are impacted by the President’s actions gathered on a press call to provide their first-hand perspective on Trump’s extended Muslim Ban. On January 31st, the Trump administration announced their decision to extend the... Continue »
Trump now treats the Defense Department budget as a slush fund for his boondoggle President Trump, with the acquiescence of the conservative majority in the Supreme Court and most Republican Senators, is now treating the Department of Defense as a slush fund for his ineffective and costly border wall.... Continue »
asylum refugees
Originally published April 4, 2018; last updated February 10, 2020 For the last several decades, our asylum laws have helped America remain a beacon for refugees and peoples in need from all over the world. However, the Trump Administration has worked tirelessly to close all options for obtaining asylum... Continue »
English Vox Donald Trump didn’t need the wall By Nicole Narea February 04, 2020 USA Today Build the wall? Travel ban? Tax cuts? After Trump’s State of the Union, here’s where he stands on promises By Michael Collins John Fritze Deirdre Shesgreen Paul Davidson February 04, 2020 Fortune Midwest... Continue »
“Deterrence by way of cruelty, chaos, racism and suffering is not success, it’s failure.” At tonight’s State of the Union address, expect President Trump to claim “success” on his signature immigration and border obsessions. Below, first read America’s Voice Executive Director Frank Sharry’s assessment of why Trump is, in... Continue »
English Vox Trump’s expanded travel ban will hit Nigerians the hardest By Nicole Narea February 01, 2020 El Semanario When the truth no longer matters By Maribel Hastings February 01, 2020 The Skanner Trump Expands Muslim Ban to Target Africans February 03, 2020 Associated Press ‘Othered’ in America: An... Continue »
A recording of the call is available here. Earlier today, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO) joined policy experts and advocates for African immigrants on a press call to discuss Trump’s extended version of the Muslim Ban that has time and again ostracized and cast... Continue »
America’s Voice Trump Expands Muslim Ban to Target Africans Reps. Jackson Lee and Neguse Discuss Trump’s Expanded Version of the Muslim Ban and the Ramifications for African Communities Before the border wall, “the answer is blowin’ in the wind” Trump’s “Impenetrable” Border Wall Will Permit “Easy Entry of Smugglers... Continue »
In a eulogy to America, Fabiola Santiago’s column for the Miami Herald mourns the loss of American values in her piece entitled, “It’s time to don mourning clothes for the America we knew. Poor immigrants, stay away.” As she deftly points out, after the Supreme Court of the United... Continue »
America’s Voice PHOTOS: One Year Since Remain in Mexico: Immigration Advocates Fight to #RestoreAsylumNow English KXAN Visa restrictions on ‘birthing tourism’ could hurt border economy By Julian Resendiz January 28, 2020 Associated Press Activist Visits to Mexico’s Migrant Centers Up in Air January 28, 2020 CNN Cuban man’s death... Continue »