Vox Trump’s expanded travel ban will hit Nigerians the hardest
By Nicole Narea
February 01, 2020
El Semanario When the truth no longer matters
By Maribel Hastings
February 01, 2020
The Skanner Trump Expands Muslim Ban to Target Africans
February 03, 2020
Associated Press ‘Othered’ in America: An old story, still playing out daily
By Noreen Nasir and Russell Contreras
February 03, 2020
Associated Press AP Exclusive: Border Apprehensions Drop 8 Straight Months
February 03, 2020
Reuters Trump Vows to Reverse Course on Deportations of Iraqi Christians
By Ted Hesson, Andrea Shalal and Kristina Cooke
February 03, 2020
The New York Times U.S. Tweets Support for Iranian Chess Official, but Ban Wouldn’t Let Her In
By Maria Cramer
February 03, 2020
The Hill January border apprehensions down 10 percent from December: report
By John Bowden
February 03, 2020
CNN Veronica Escobar: Texas congresswoman giving Democrats’ Spanish rebuttal to Trump speech
By Haley Byrd
February 04, 2020
CNN At least one person turned away at US border as coronavirus travel restrictions implemented
By Geneva Sands
February 03, 2020
CNN 36 migrants were found under a load of gravel in the secret compartment of a dump truck
By Catherine E. Shoichet
February 03, 2020
The Guardian ‘Scared for my life’: why more Indians are joining migrants on risky journey to reach the US
By Arya Sundaram
February 03, 2020
Border Report Lawyer: Blind, epileptic Cuban migrant in Texas hospital after being repeatedly denied entry into US
By Sandra Sanchez
February 03, 2020
The World Supreme Court allows public charge clause that kept Nazi-era refugees from the US
By Laurel Leff
February 03, 2020
The New York Times Turning to New Hampshire, Democratic Rivals Jostle for Advantage
By Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin
February 04, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Trump and Bloomberg Super Bowl Ads Provoke Sharp Viewer Reactions
By Patience Haggin
February 03, 2020
The Hill Fake children in cages installed throughout Des Moines ahead of Iowa caucus
By John Bowden
February 03, 2020
The Hill Trump poised to make case for reelection in State of the Union
By Brett Samuels and Morgan Chalfant
February 04, 2020
CNN ‘Kids in cages’ popped up across Des Moines. Activists say they were making a point about what candidates aren’t saying
By Christina Zdanowicz
February 04, 2020
BuzzFeed Biden Vs. Sanders: How One Latino Family In Iowa Is Thinking About Tonight’s Democratic Caucus
By Nidhi Prakash
February 03, 2020
HuffPost Bernie Sanders Wants Iowa Latinos To Join The Political Revolution
By Daniel Marans
February 02, 2020
The Gazette Bernie Sanders gets big support from Latino caucusgoers in West Liberty
By Alison Gowans
February 03, 2020
Reuters Families in Africa fear impact of U.S. immigration ban
By Ayenat Mersie, Libby George
February 03, 2020
Reuters Brazilians Sent to Mexico by U.S. Say They Don’t Understand Why
February 03, 2020
Reuters Eritrea Blasts U.S. Visa Ban, Nigeria Creates Committee to Address Issues
February 03, 2020
Reuters Kyrgyzstan Says U.S. Travel Restrictions Damage Ties
February 03, 2020
Reuters Mexican Leader Plays ‘Matador’ to Manage Trump Migration Charge
By Dave Graham and Julia Love
February 03, 2020
Border Report More than 80 Brazilians wait in Juarez for immigration hearings
By Andra Litton
February 03, 2020
Associated Press Super Bowl Halftime Show Draws Praise, Tears From US Latinos
February 03, 2020
Associated Press 2 Iranian Students Challenge Removal From Country
February 03, 2020
The New York Times How to Deal With the Anxieties of Immigration? Break Into Song
By Rob Weinert-Kendt
February 03, 2020
The New York Times At the Super Bowl, the Political Was Debatable
By Julia Jacobs
February 03, 2020
BuzzFeed As Trump Expands His Travel Ban, Once-Vocal Tech Companies Are Silent
By Ryan Mac
February 03, 2020
Vox Jennifer Lopez wants you to remember the “kids in cages”
By Nicole Narea
February 03, 2020
HuffPost Jennifer Lopez Bashes Donald Trump With Behind-The-Scenes Super Bowl Video
By Lee Moran
February 03, 2020
Associated Press (New York) Feds Ask Judges to Enforce Immigration Subpoenas Sent to NYC
February 03, 2020
Associated Press (Michigan) Church immigration aide gets prison for defrauding people
February 03, 2020
The News & Observer (North Carolina) How Raleigh is taking steps to hear more Hispanic and immigrant voices
By Trent Brown
February 03, 2020
The New York Times (Opinion) The Racism at the Heart of Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’
By Jamelle Bouie
February 03, 2020
The Washington Post (Opinion) To cheer Trump is to submit to him
By Michael Gerson
February 03, 2020
The Washington Post (Opinion) Trump’s policies are turning Iranian Americans into second-class citizens
By Jason Rezaian
February 04, 2020
Bloomberg (Opinion) Who’s Welcome (or Not) in U.S. Under Trump’s Travel Ban
By Laurence Arnold
February 03, 2020
The New York Times (Op-ed) Why You May Never Learn the Truth About ICE
By Matthew Connelly
February 04, 2020
The Wall Street Journal (Op-ed) Sanders May Be Surging, But Is Socialism?
By James Freeman
February 03, 2020
The Washington Post (Op-ed) The 2003 SARS outbreak fueled anti-Asian racism. Coronavirus doesn’t have to.
By Jenn Fang
February 04, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) No experience required: US hiring immigration judges who don’t have any immigration law experience
By Nolan Rappaport
February 02, 2020
HuffPost (Op-ed) I’m An Immigration Success Story. Still, This Is How I Know The System Is Broken.
By Salomé Gómez Upegui
February 03, 2020
Financial Times (Op-ed) Democrats must not draw the wrong lessons from Labour’s defeat
By Stanley Greenberg
February 03, 2020
Concord Monitor (Op-ed) My Turn: Get the candidates talking about immigration
By Alejandro Urrutia
February 03, 2020
The Detroit News (Op-ed) Opinion: How foreign students strengthen Michigan’s tech sector
By Sam Peak
February 03, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Aparecen jaulas con niños migrantes en Iowa el día en el que se abre el ciclo electoral de 2020
By Joel Cazorla
February 03, 2020
Noticiero Univision “Es muy lindo ver la participación de nuestra gente”: alcalde de Providence sobre los caucus bilingües en Iowa (Video)
By Luis Megid
February 03, 2020
Noticiero Univision ¿Qué motiva a los votantes latinos a participar en las asambleas electorales en Iowa? (Video)
By Luis Megid
February 03, 2020
Noticiero Univision Denuncian que autoridades federales están contratando a jueces sin experiencia en leyes migratorias (Video)
By Dulce Castellanos
February 04, 2020
Los 7 Días Réquiem por la nación. Su verdugo anda suelto
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
February 03, 2020
Univision Réquiem por la nación, su verdugo anda suelto
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
February 03, 2020
Yahoo Noticias El mensaje político de Shakira y JLo pudo ser más poderoso, dicen defensores migrantes
February 03, 2020
Univision- Despierta América ¿Cómo afecta la llamada ley de carga pública a los inmigrantes? (Video)
February 03, 2020
La Opinión Alexa, ¿cómo obtengo beneficios migratorios en Estados Unidos? La aplicación de una niña latina responde
By Agencia EFE
February 03, 2020
Univision Noticias De qué se trata el cambio para adjudicar una petición familiar con el Formulario I-130 en el extranjero
By Jorge Cancino
February 03, 2020
HispanicLA Réquiem por la nación. Su verdugo anda suelto
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
February 03, 2020
Radio Bilingüe Réquiem por la nación. Su verdugo anda suelto
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
February 03, 2020
El Semanario Cuando la verdad ya no importa
By Maribel Hastings
February 01, 2020
El Nuevo Herald ¿Que significaban esos ‘niños enjaulados’ durante el intermedio del Super Bowl?
By Michelle Marchante
February 03, 2020
La Opinión La gran batalla que los ‘dreamers’ ganaron en Utah
February 03, 2020
Propublica “Las mujeres en un lado y los varones en otro lado”: Cómo fue que los nuevos poderes, y los viejos descuidos, de la Patrulla Fronteriza separaron a una familia
By Dara Lind
February 03, 2020
Univision Noticias La ‘tolerancia cero’ acorrala las cortes de inmigración y cierra la puerta de entrada a EEUU
By Jorge Cancino
February 03, 2020
La Noticia Extienden período para comentarios sobre nuevas tarifas más altas a trámites migratorios
By Susana Flores
February 03, 2020
Miami Diario ¡Cuidado! EEUU cambió los requisitos para obtener la Green Card
February 03, 2020
By Alicia Pérez
February 03, 2020
La Opinión ICE deporta a fotógrafo que llevaba 22 años en EEUU y causa conmoción en comunidad de Nueva York
February 03, 2020
Los 7 Días Ante el muro en la frontera, ‘la respuesta está en el viento’
By David Torres
February 03, 2020
Voa Noticias México asume que caravanas de migrantes no son movimientos espontáneos
February 03, 2020
Diario Las Américas Arranca en Iowa la primaria demócrata para elegir al rival de Donald Trump en noviembre
February 03, 2020
Hoy Dallas Réquiem por la nación. Su verdugo anda suelto
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
February 03, 2020
LatinoCalifornia Réquiem por la nación. Su verdugo anda suelto
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
February 03, 2020
HDN/Washington Latino News Réquiem por la nación. Su verdugo anda suelto
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
February 03, 2020
Univision Noticias- Destino 2020 “Necesito que sean mi voz”: el clamor de una dreamer a los latinos que pueden votar en Iowa
By Patricia Vélez Santiago y Natalia Bravo
February 03, 2020
La Opinión ‘Ya es hora de que Trump deje de burlarse de nosotros’
By Manuel Ocaño /Especial para La Opinión
February 03, 2020