On the eve of CPAC, more groups are coming out in support of immigration reform every day, including the National Federation of Republican Women and the San Diegans United for Commonsense Immigration Reform.  At CPAC itself, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) is scheduled to talk about how Republicans can win over... Continue »
As a general rule: there is no reason, ever, for a member of Congress to ask a question at a hearing of the witness from the Center for Immigration Studies. (And there’s always a witness from the Center for Immigration Studies.) But this exchange, led by Connecticut Senator Richard... Continue »
Updated March 22, 2013 | Download PDF here Since the 2012 election, leading Republican and conservative voices are calling for a new Republican approach to immigration, as evidenced by the following quotes: Quotes by U.S. Senators and House Members Since the announcement of a framework for comprehensive immigration reform by... Continue »
Mother Jones has an excellent series exploring the different aspects of issue of the immigration issue. The first article, by Paul Reyes, is titled, "'It's Just Not Right': The Failures of Alabama's Self-Deportation Experiment." The magazine also exposes the inner-workings of those agitators in articles about Kris Kobach and... Continue »
The fallout continues over last week's recall election of Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce (R), the architect of that state's SB 1070 anti-immigration law. As analysts ask what the result might mean for the future of anti-immigrant extremism and for Arizona's potential competitiveness in the 2012 elections, Pearce's... Continue »
Could it be that some GOP presidential contenders are finally listening, and are paying attention to the new, accurate conventional wisdom on Latino voters that is making rounds in Washington, DC? Because anti-immigrant groups like NumbersUSA and its Tanton-funded brethren are feeling no love from them. Continue »
The leaders of House Mass Deportation Caucus, Reps. Smith, Gallegly, and King, are not only driving the GOP immigration strategy, they are driving their party off of a political cliff. Continue »
Brisenia Flores was nine years old when Shawna Forde, the head of the Minutemen American Defence group, and other members of her posse, allegedly shot and killed Brisenia and her parents, point-blank, at their home in Arizona. Mercilessly, Forde and company allegedly ignored Brisenia's sobs to spare her life.... Continue »