Brisenia Flores was nine years old when Shawna Forde, the head of the Minutemen American Defence group, and other members of her posse, allegedly shot and killed Brisenia and her parents, point-blank, at their home in Arizona.
Mercilessly, Forde and company allegedly ignored Brisenia’s sobs to spare her life. Now, pleading “not guilty,” Shawna Forde is currently awaiting trial, charged with two counts of first-degree murder.
Prosecutor Kellie Johnson states, according to Daily Mail:
‘Not only will the state prove to you that Shawna Forde was in that house that night, barking orders and telling people what to do, the state will prove that Shawna Forde organized and planned this offence.’
When faced with an innocent child pleading for her life, Forde was said to have no misgivings. With her “not guilty” plea, it’s highly doubtful that she feels any remorse for her crime. Still, incredulously, Rob Sanchez, a senior writing fellow at the extreme immigration group, Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), lauds her efforts.
Jill Garvey captures his words at Imagine2050:
Rob Sanchez: Forde has become an icon of the Minuteman movement and the border enforcement movement. Her enemies hoped that the brutal incarceration including solitary confinement and the threat of the death penalty would force her to be silent on immigration but she will not be silenced.
CAPS editorial team has since had the good sense to remove the post from its site, with the not-so-great sense to replace it with a statement from the Tanton-linked hate group FAIR. Apparently, Sanchez’s support for Forde was only half the problem – the other half dealt with the connection between Forde and the anti-immigrant group FAIR:
Recently, an article was posted on CAPS’ blog written by Rob Sanchez. Shortly after the piece was published CAPS REMOVED IT and published the following response from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform):
In a blog published on CAPS’s website regarding Shawna Forde, an accused murderer, Rob Sanchez erroneously identifies her as “an immigration activist who has worked with such organizations as FAIR.”
Unfortunately, Sanchez never bothered to verify that assertion with FAIR. Shawna Forde has never had any association with FAIR. None. She has never worked with FAIR and she has certainly never represented FAIR in any capacity. According to our records, she was never even a member of FAIR. Ms. Forde misrepresented herself as a spokesperson for FAIR on a television program in Yakima, Washington – something that we learned about for the first time after her arrest. Reporters covering the story investigated the circumstances of that television appearance and concluded that she had, in fact, misrepresented herself.
We hope that in the future, Mr. Sanchez will check with us before repeating false and discredited information.
In building a blog on the CAPS website, the intention has been to create an additional venue for our Senior Writing Fellows to share views and insights into the issues surrounding illegal immigration and overpopulation, and their impacts. Within this framework, we give our writers broad latitude. While we make every effort to review for content and accuracy, in the case of this particular post it was insufficiently scrutinized prior to posting. We believe that every defendant is entitled to a fair trial, but CAPS in no way was taking a position of advocacy for Shawna Forde, who stands accused of heinous crimes. As soon as we realized that the post was inappropriate, we removed it. We apologize for our error.
As much as extreme anti-immigrant groups like FAIR and CAPS understandably wish to separate themselves from Forde and her heinous crimes, stoking xenophobic fears instead of seeking to truly solve our immigration crisis has led us to the environment we’re in today.
It’s time to turn the tide on these disgusting crimes and this kind of extremism.