Zahid served in the United States Army, the National Guard, and with the Red Cross. He served the U.S. until a back injury required him to use a wheelchair.But, despite his service, when Zahid applied to become a citizen, his application was denied and he was ordered out. Now,... Continue »

On Wednesday, a flight is leaving for India and President Obama's immigration officials want Mandeep -- a DREAM Act student -- on it, despite the fact that she was once voted as "Most Likely to Save the World" by her peers at Los Altos High School in Mountain View. Continue »
A short but compelling lesson in history: Leading up to the 2010 elections, polling showed immigration to be the second most important concern of Latinos (after the economy). Still Alex Sink, a 2010 Florida candidate for Governor, and her gubernatorial campaign made a strategic decision to deemphasize immigration and... Continue »
The worst thing about Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA) might not be his extremist views towards immigrants and immigration policy. Don't get me wrong, they're bad—I mean really bad. But the absolute worst thing about Gallegly has to be his incredible influence in Washington. Continue »
So this is awkward. President Barack Obama's re-election campaign was caught fundrasing off of the DREAM Act. Continue »
It's a busy day for immigrant rights advocates and DREAMers in Illinois. Today, hundreds of pro-immigrant advocates from across the state have made the trip to Springfield, the state capital, urging state lawmakers to vote "yes" on two important pro-migrant pieces of legislation. Continue »
The New York Times profiled John Tanton, documenting his role in founding the leading anti-immigrant groups FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA . The article also exposed Tanton's extremist views and ties white nationalist organizations. Continue »
As we've been mentioned in previous blog posts, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office in Detroit is one of the worst run offices in the country. Continue »
Last May, Michigan DREAMer Ivan Nikolov and his mother were detained in a Michigan detention facility, where Ivan was forced to watch while his crying mother was strip-searched. Only a small, shoulder-length screen separated the two. Continue »
While it is absolutely clear that the GOP has a "Latino problem," new analysis by Latino Decisions, a group which specializes in analyzing Latino voting behavior, shows that Democrats may have their own liabilities among the fastest growing voter block too. Continue »