Immigration advocates scored a major victory in Arizona's battle against SB 1070 today when a federal appeals court refused to lift a ban blocking the most extreme elements of the legislation. Continue »
Detroit ICE agents are known as some of the most aggressive immigration agents in the country. They have engaged in abusive -- and often illegal -- enforcement tactics before. But last week the Michigan Field Office run by Rebecca Adducci reached a new low. Continue »
This week we received some good news from our friends in Tennessee. The thousands of faxes we all sent to ICE, on Manolo's behalf, made a huge difference. Just hours before he would have deported, officials decided to reopen his case. Manolo recorded this video to say... Continue »
Before his death in 1993, César Chávez was asked by a union member how he wanted to be remembered; he replied, "If you want to remember me, organize!" Chavez, who inspired millions of people to commit themselves to social and economic justice, would have turned 84 today. Continue »
ARIZONA In 2000, there were 1,295,617 Latinos living in Arizona; by 2010, the Latino population had grown to 1,895,149. The Latino population grew by 46.27% from 2000 to 2010. Arizona’s growing population has netted it an extra seat in Congress, thanks in part to the growth of the Latino... Continue »
He's already "America's Toughest Sherriff," but now it seems Joe Arpiao wants to be "America's Oldest School Yard Bully." Continue »

Joint Statement from Rev. Derrick Harkins, Senior Pastor of the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church and Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference for the House Judiciary Committee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement’s Subcommittee Hearing: Making Immigration Work for American Minorities

March 1, 2011

As faith leaders... Continue »

Major anti-immigrant organizations such as the Center for Immigration Studies, NumbersUSA and the Federation for American Immigration Reform are closely aligned with the Republican Members of Congress who are now in charge of immigration policy for the U.S. House of Representatives. In a series of hearings, House Judiciary... Continue »
"Justice will come. I'm sure." That's what pop-singer and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Shakira, told the AP when asked about newly proposed anti-immigration legislation. Continue »
Finally, after nearly two years, a jury in Pima County, Arizona convicted Minuteman member Shawna Forde for her role in the murders of 9 year-old Brisenia Flores and her father, Raul. Elisa Foley from the Huffington Post reports: A jury convicted Forde of planning and executing the raid that... Continue »