Republican strategist Ana Navarro called out RNC Director of Hispanic Communications and Donald Trump supporter Helen Aguirre Ferré for her blatant hypocrisy during a must-watch CNN interview yesterday. After a over a year of rhetoric, we all know Donald Trump is not pivoting from his base — violence, bigotry,... Continue »
A disturbing profile from the AP confirms why Donald Trump’s extremist views are not changing: Bigotry, racism, violence and intolerance are defining features of Donald Trump’s campaign, inside and out. The AP examined the social media postings of some 50 current and former Trump campaign staffers, finding that several expressed... Continue »
Al tiempo que la campaña de Trump da inicio a su “Semana de Inmigración” y en medio de historias contradictorias sobre su posición en el tema migratorio, expertos en leyes y defensores de los derechos civiles y de la reforma migratoria dialogaron sobre las implicaciones que tienen para el Partido Republicano, tanto la... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): MSNBC: Is Donald Trump softening immigration rhetoric? By Tamron Hall USA Today: Trump looks at adjusting deportation plan By David Jackson The Hill: Immigration reformers rip Trump’s Hispanic outreach as a lost cause By Mike Lillis The Hill: Trump courts minority... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Buzzfeed: In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants By Adrian Carrasquillo The New Civil Rights Movement: BREAKING: Trump Backtracks on Immigration Stance in Meeting with Hispanic Supporters By John Wright Washington Post: In the latest shift,... Continue »
Earlier this week, America’s Voice Deputy Director Lynn Tramonte joined Lorena Mora Mowry of “Mujer Latina Today” for a Spanish-language interview to discuss the power of the Latinx and immigrant vote in the 2016 Presidential election, both in Ohio and across the nation. Mora Mowry said that in her... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): The Colorado Independent (Colorado): Latinos Rise in Colorado By Marianne Goodland Politico: Trump blasts ‘rigged’ Clinton system in first general election TV ad By Nick Gass Associated Press: First Trump Election Ad Looks at Immigration New York Times: Republicans Worry a... Continue »
Following attempts by Border Patrol to keep evidence from the public, a court ordered the release of video stills depicting disturbing conditions inside detention facilities in the Tucson, Arizona sector. From the American Immigration Council: Accepting the position of the Plaintiffs and the Arizona Republic, which intervened to argue... Continue »
The official merger of white supremacist media and the Donald Trump campaign has extremists overjoyed. From the Daily Beast: “Latterly, Breitbart emerged as a nationalist site and done great stuff on immigration in particular,” VDARE.comeditor Peter Brimelow told The Daily Beast. VDare is a white supremacist site. It’s named... Continue »
It looks like a good way to make something really not popular is to get Donald Trump to support it. Over at Mother Jones, Kevin Drum highlights some pretty interesting data: support for a massive US/Mexico border wall has plummeted among the American public ever since Trump publicly endorsed... Continue »