It seems pretty appropriate that the RNC decided to launch a new Latino outreach campaign on National Tell A Joke Day: The RNC on Tuesday kicked off a social media campaign with a pair of videos, the first in its series “GOP Hispanics: The week ahead.” The videos, one... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Univision (Op-ed): Four years later, the fight for deferred action remains as important as ever By Juan Escalante Politico: RNC tries to mend relationship with Hispanic voters By Louis Nelson The Hill: GOP focuses on terrorism for Hispanic social media push... Continue »
Kelly Ayotte doesn’t trust him with the nuclear codes and Marco Rubio still think he’s a con man, but they’re both still voting for Donald Trump for President anyway. In recent interviews, Ayotte — who trails her challenger by ten points in a new poll — has dodged whether she... Continue »
Many have been quick to note that even Donald Trump wouldn’t pass Donald Trump’s ludicrous plan to conduct “extreme vetting” of people seeking to come to the United States. “In the Cold War, we had an ideological screening test,” Trump said yesterday. “The time is overdue to develop a... Continue »
Donald Trump will be on two ballots in California this November — once as the GOP nominee, and then as the nominee of a far-right party that once nominated one of America’s most ardent segregationists. The American Independent Party is the far-right group “best known for supporting segregationist George Wallace... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: Donald Trump’s Terrorism Plan Mixes Cold War Concepts and Limits on Immigrants By Maggie Haberman Washington Post: Donald Trump calls for ‘extreme vetting’ of people looking to come to the United States By Katie Zezima Washington Post: Donald... Continue »
The groups Donald Trump has attacked since the launch of his Presidential campaign last year have been responsible for winning historic victories for the US at the Olympic Games. Ibtihaj Muhammad, a Muslim-American athlete born in New Jersey, made history as the first Team USA woman to compete in an Olympic... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Associated Press: New Clinton Effort Tries to Tap the Power of ‘Dreamers’ By Lisa Lerer The Hill: Clinton campaign to launch DREAMer voter drive By Jessie Hellmann New York Times: Donald Trump to Lay Out ‘3 Pillars’ of Terrorism Plan, Aides... Continue »
Patti Davis, the sole daughter of late President Ronald Reagan, condemned Donald Trump’s recent remarks calling for the assassination of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. President Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1981 that severely-wounded a Secret Service agent, a police officer, and Press Secretary James Brady, who became permanently... Continue »
A disturbing new report from POLITICO highlights Donald Trump and his campaign’s “long dalliance” with violent rhetoric. We’ve long highlighted the physical violence stemming from Trump’s supporters on our “Trump Hate Map” here. But as the POLITICO report corroborates, Donald Trump and his campaign have done little to nothing... Continue »