On Sunday, President Donald J. Trump declared that progressive Democratic congresswomen should return to “the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” Although Trump did not name them, he was referring to four congresswomen elected in the 2018 midterms: Alexandria Ocasio Cortés, born in New York and... Continue »
A recording of the call is available here. Earlier today, immigration experts and advocates gathered on a press call to discuss the Trump administration new proposed asylum, aimed at creating more confusion and blanket exclusion. The Third-Country Asylum Rule (an interim final rule that will go into effect immediately... Continue »
Administration Announces New Unlawful Regulation to Close Asylum to Most Central Americans and Others Today, the Trump administration announced that it will publish a new regulation going into effect tomorrow that will bar anyone, including children, from applying for asylum on the southern border if they pass through a... Continue »
El domingo, el presidente Donald J. Trump conminó a congresistas demócratas progresistas a regresar “a los países infestados de crimen de donde vinieron”. Aunque Trump no las nombra, se refería a las cuatro congresistas electas en los comicios intermedios de 2018: Alexandria Ocasio Cortés, nacida en Nueva York y... Continue »
“Racial incitement is the animating electoral strategy of a sitting President and his party.”   The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice: The beating heart of Trumpism is and has always been racism and xenophobia. Now, Trump is turbocharging it in his desperate... Continue »
America’s Voice en Español Las noticias más destacadas Presentamos a continuación las tres noticias más relevantes en el ámbito migratorio, de las que reportó la prensa en español durante la más reciente jornada informativa:   Univision Noticias No hubo redadas masivas, pero el gobierno de Trump creó una “alerta permanente”,... Continue »
America’s Voice Immigration Experts Discuss Trump Admin’s New Attempt to Ban Asylum Trump Administration’s Latest Illegal Attack on Asylum La estrategia racial de Trump del “ellos contra nosotros” está más viva que nunca Frank Sharry: Racism, Nativism and Stoking White Grievance Will Be the “Beating Heart” of Trump’s 2020... Continue »
Yesterday, Americans all across the country protested the horrific conditions migrant children and families are currently facing in immigration detention centers at the border. Public outcry has been simmering for weeks as children have died, while the Trump Administration argued that soap and toothbrushes aren’t necessary to meet basic safety... Continue »
In a new must-read explainer, Washington Post’s Philip Bump reveals that many of the undocumented immigrants targeted by this weekend’s raids may be deported without having received due process,  despite claims from the Trump administration that they have. Bump cites a recent report from Syracuse University’s TRAC program, “which... Continue »
The scorn toward detained migrants, the physical mistreatment, the psychological torture, the inappropriate touches to their bodies, the confinement. These are some of the characteristics that already define the modus operandi of those who are charged with applying the immigration policies dictated by today’s White House. Nothing exculpates them, of course,... Continue »