Citando a una fuente anónima cercana a la Casa Blanca, la cadena televisiva Fox News dijo que Obama prevé presentar, tan pronto como el próximo 21 de noviembre, un plan de diez puntos para modificar las políticas migratorias mediante una acción ejecutiva. Continuar »
El presidente estadunidense Barack Obama reiteró su compromiso de hacer un anuncio ejecutivo de alivio migratorio antes de que finalice este año, a pesar de la advertencia de los conservadores de que equivaldría a “envenenar el pozo” de la cooperación bipartidista. Continuar »
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) took to the House floor this morning to deliver a speech encouraging Obama to soon announce his anticipated executive action on immigration, condemn Democrats who have suggested that Obama should delay, and explain why every day that passes by without relief is torturous for the immigrant... Continuar »
UPDATE: Here are a few great quotes from Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) showing her support: President should take big and bold action to make our immigration system work to better meet the needs of our country and reflect our values — Rep. Zoe Lofgren (@RepZoeLofgren) November 13, 2014 Congress and Constitution grant... Continuar »
The Hill: Obama Nearing a Final Decision Reuters:  Obama to announce action on immigration: Fox News Fox: Source: Obama to announce 10-point immigration plan via exec action as early as next week The Hill: Report: Obama immigration plan expected next week Bloomberg: Some Republicans Seek to Block Obama Immigration... Continuar »
America’s Voice has put together a new post-election memo that identifies three takeaways and one lesson for both parties to learn as they turn to the future: TAKEAWAY ONE: The Democrats’ gamble to not take action on immigration failed, costing them in voter enthusiasm. TAKEAWAY TWO: Republicans would be wrong... Continuar »
2014 was a wave election, but it wasn’t a referendum on immigration. Here are three takeaways and one lesson for both parties to learn as they turn to governing and the 2016 elections… Continuar »
November 12, 2014                                                         2014 was a wave election, but it wasn’t a referendum on immigration. Here are three takeaways and one lesson... Continuar »
On December 10th, a group of sheriffs led by one Sheriff Thomas Hodgson of Bristol County, Massachusetts are planning to meet up in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress and push them to increase border security.  Never mind that the border is already more secure than ever... Continuar »
Some of the GOP spin, after last week’s midterms elections, is that the party has a mandate for its anti-immigrant, restrictionist ideas.  That’s something Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) recently tried to claim — that last week’s results are one reason why President Obama should not announce executive action for immigrants.  Markos... Continuar »