America’s Voice has put together a new post-election memo that identifies three takeaways and one lesson for both parties to learn as they turn to the future:
- TAKEAWAY ONE: The Democrats’ gamble to not take action on immigration failed, costing them in voter enthusiasm.
- TAKEAWAY TWO: Republicans would be wrong to think they can repeat their 2014 immigration strategy and win in 2016.
- TAKEAWAY THREE: When it comes to exit polls on Latino and Asian American voters, the only reliable finding is that these polls are unreliable.
- THE LESSON: When it comes to immigration, good policy is good politics.
According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice:
The 2014 election sets the stage for the President’s executive action on immigration and the 2016 election. The President needs to do right by millions of hardworking immigrants with deep ties to America. The Democrats need to lean in on immigration and deliver for the fastest growing groups of voters in America. Republicans need to rethink their lurch to the right on immigration, a move that cost them the White House in 2012, and could cost them the White House and the Congress in 2016. The lessons leaders draw will determine the future of millions of hard working immigrants with deep ties in America, as well as the future of both political parties.
Read the full memo here.