For those in Washington, DC this Friday: take a break from the hustle and bustle of town and come to the premier of Jose Antonio Vargas‘ documentary, a film he’s been working on since early 2011. “Documented” has been chosen as the centerpiece film at this year’s AFI Docs festival in...
The following blog is a cross-post from Michael Macleod-Ball, Chief of Staff at the ACLU Washington Legislative Office, writing about the Senate state of play and the immigration bill’s continuing progress on the Senate floor: The full U. S. Senate took up the potentially historic bill to overhaul the...
Kris Kobach may be AWOL from the immigration debate this year, but he hasn’t been forgotten. 300 protestors from Sunflower Community Action and other pro-immigration reform groups gathered outside of Kobach’s Kansas home this weekend, chanting and calling on him to change his stance on deportations. They also left...
“They are only asking for a chance to give back to their home” Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), the champion of the DREAM Act for over a decade, took to the Senate floor today to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and...
Tres fallas de los republicanos de la Cámara Baja sobre migración y fracasarán completamente Falla 1: la enmienda de King de la semana pasada para deportar a los Dreamers; falla 2: la revisión de mañana del Comité Judicial de la propuesta para criminalizar a los inmigrantes; falla 3: si...
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: WASHINGTON, DC – El Senado se enfrasca en la segunda semana de debate de un plan bipartidista de reforma migratoria y se anticipan finalmente votaciones sobre enmiendas, aunque algunas van en detrimento del plan buscando asestar un golpe a la vía...
Strike 1: Passing King Amendment to Deport DREAMers; Strike 2: Tomorrow’s Mark Up of a Judiciary Committee Bill to Criminalize Immigrants; Strike 3: If the House Blocks Immigration Reform for the Year Understandably, most of the recent attention regarding immigration reform has focused on the Democrat-controlled Senate, where it...
Because Cornyn’s Proposal is a Poison Pill that Threatens the Heart of the Senate Immigration Reform Bill As we’ve been saying, Senator John Cornyn’s (R-TX) border security amendment is a thinly disguised effort to thwart the path to citizenship – the bill’s popular heart and an essential component of workable immigration...
Wall Street Journal: Taking on Immigration, One Bit at a Time By Janet Hook New York Times: In Senate, an Immigration Bill Savior or Saboteur? By Ashley Parker Bloomberg: Requiring Immigrants to Learn English Sought in Senate Proposal By Kathleen Hunter Fiscal Times: Immigration Bill Splits the GOP, Forcing...