We have written at length about the political ineptitude of Mitt Romney’s decision to run to the extreme right on immigration – the largest single factor behind Romney’s historically low standing among Latino voters.  Increasingly, prominent Republican figures are making similar assessments, recognizing that the GOP’s anti-immigration reputation will... Continue »
We have written at length about the political ineptitude of Mitt Romney’s decision to run to the hardline right on immigration – the largest single factor behind Romney’s historically low standing among Latino voters.  Increasingly, prominent Republican figures are making similar assessments, recognizing that the GOP’s anti-immigration brand image... Continue »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions, Latino Vote Matters, and Daily Kos:  impreMedia & Latino Decisions today released the last in a series of 11 weekly tracking polls with results suggesting President Obama is poised to win a record high share of the Latino vote, and in turn likely to win... Continue »
Can Mitt Romney overcome his hardline immigration positions and meet his campaign’s ambitious goal of 38% of the Latino vote, in Florida and nationwide? Can Barack Obama build a strong enough case about his immigration record to energize and mobilize the Latino and immigrant community here and across the country? How... Continue »
Yesterday we lifted up a Wall Street Journal article highlighting the DREAMers’ tireless efforts around the nation this election season, and one of the campaigns they’ve worked on the hardest is the Brian Bilbray – Scott Peters race in San Diego.  They even recorded Spanish-language radio ads to to... Continue »
Hasta el momento, diversos sondeos colocan a Nevada y Nuevo México inclinándose a Obama, mientras otros colocan a Colorado en una lucha cerrada con la posibilidad de ir a cualquiera de los dos candidatos. Continue »
It looks like Tom Horne, the Arizona Attorney General who walks in lockstep with state Governor Jan Brewer about all things related to SB 1070 and immigration, is in a bit of trouble.  From the Associated Press today: FBI agents allege Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne left the scene of a... Continue »