Today's hearing in Phoenix over the federal lawsuit—and other suits—filed against Arizona law SB 1070 occupies the attention of the Spanish-language press, which covers it from a variety of angles. Continue »
The demonstration yesterday by activists calling for passage of the DREAM Act, which would legalize young people who had completed at least two years of college or enlisted in the military (in addition to fulfilling other requirements), is one of the lead stories in the Spanish-language media this morning.... Continue »
What does Arizona law SB 1070 have to do with the lettuce crop in Yuma? At first glance, not a lot. But when the harvest season for lettuce and other vegetables comes around in November, that could change. If SB 1070 is implemented, many farmworkers without legal immigration status—or with... Continue »
Today, a federal judge in Arizona will hear a case brought by a Tucson police officer who is seeking to block implementation of Arizona's controversial new anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, which would force police statewide to adopt the law enforcement approach of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ.... Continue »
Senate Bill 1070, Arizona's notorious anti-immigrant law, is set to go into effect on July 29. With days left to go, Organizers are in a race against the clock to minimize the bill's impact on immigrant communities. Meanwhile, legal experts are examining the strategy behind a federal Department of... Continue »
Today a federal judge in Phoenix, AZ will begin to hear arguments from both sides in one of the lawsuits against SB 1070 -- but the damage from the law is already being done, as a list in Utah that claims to name 13,000 undocumented immigrants continues to terrorize... Continue »
Today in the Spanish-language press, actions in support of the DREAM Act heat up across the country, while Arizona business owners have more backbone than Democratic governors in standing up to Arizona's SB 1070. Meanwhile, hate crimes in Staten Island, NY have immigrants afraid to walk the streets, and... Continue »
Today is the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in Anaheim, yet Arizona's new immigration law is sending tremors through America's favorite past-time. Two months after a coalition of major organizations, bloggers, and civil rights groups sent a formal letter to MLB commissioner Bud Selig, telling him it's time... Continue »
By signing the "show me your papers" law, SB 1070, Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona Legislature will force all police jurisdictions in the state to adopt the tactics of controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County. Continue »
Various outlets in the Spanish-language press cover a new report from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) documenting how many students would be eligible for temporary legal status under the DREAM Act, and how many of those would be likely to fill the requirements for citizenship. Meanwhile, the United Farm... Continue »