The federal lawsuit against Arizona over SB 1070, and the suit's political and legal ramifications, remains the top story in the Spanish-language press. But as the legal battle heats up, pressure remains on the federal government to find a comprehensive solution to the problems of immigration policy. Continue »
As the Department of Justice sues to block Arizona law, pollsters analyze the public's views and the political implications. Recent dial-testing research conducted by Westen Strategies and recent bipartisan polling conducted by Lake Research Partners and Public Opinion Strategies sheds light on the important question of where the public... Continue »
The lawsuit filed by the federal government (on behalf of the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security and State) against Arizona and SB 1070 dominates the headlines today in the Spanish-language media. Continue »
Today -- in part because of concerned Americans like you -- Obama's Department of Justice announced that they are taking a stand. They will challenge Arizona's new "show me your papers" immigration law and sue the state for usurping federal authority. We know that those who support... Continue »
As the Spanish-language press waits for the Department of Justice to jump into the legal battle over Arizona law SB 1070 and continues to call for comprehensive reform, Arizona Senator John McCain wants to show President Obama the border -- and the state's governor, Jan Brewer, will encounter protesters... Continue »
Governor Jan Brewers claim last week that immigrants in Arizona are cutting peoples heads off could cost the people of Arizona $250,000 in lost tourism. A report released Wednesday by the Governor's Tourism and Economic Development Task Force found that public funding was needed to convince tourists and convention-goers that,... Continue »
The Spanish-language press leads today's news with coverage of the immigration speech President Barack Obama delivered yesterday from American University in Washington. Meanwhile, a law requiring businesses to check employees' immigration status went into effect in South Carolina yesterday, and police officers in Arizona are getting ready to enforce... Continue »
The Spanish-language press leads with yesterday's meeting between President Obama and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in the White House, and the address the President will give tomorrow on immigration reform. In the rest of the country, DHS enforcement programsexpand -- at cost to kids -- while activists and Democrats... Continue »
News is spreading that the Obama Administration is considering a legal challenge to Arizona's radical new immigration law, SB1070. For those of us interested in civil rights, community safety, and the rule of law, let us hope so. If and when the Department of Justice announces a decision to... Continue »
As an Obama Administration delegation traveled to Arizona to discuss border security and SB 1070 with officials there -- and in advance of a speech he will give on Thursday on the need for comprehensive immigration reform -- the president held a meeting Monday at the White House with... Continue »