Various outlets in the Spanish-language press cover a new report from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) documenting how many students would be eligible for temporary legal status under the DREAM Act, and how many of those would be likely to fill the requirements for citizenship. Meanwhile, the United Farm Workers’ “Take Our Jobs” campaign makes it on the Colbert Report, and Arizona is saving up for the legal battle over SB 1070.
2.1M DREAMers? The MPI study concludes that over 2.1 million undocumented youths would be eligible for legal status under the proposed DREAM Act, but that only about 38% (825,000) of them would likely complete the legalization process. The rest would be faced with obstacles such as obtaining a high-school diploma. El Financiero (Mexico), Al Día (Dallas) and La Opinión (Los Angeles) have more on the study. AOL Latino publishes an article by Maribel Hastings of America’s Voice on the topic.