Can Mitt Romney overcome his hardline immigration positions and meet his campaign’s ambitious goal of 38% of the Latino vote, in Florida and nationwide? Can Barack Obama build a strong enough case about his immigration record to energize and mobilize the Latino and immigrant community here and across the country? How... Continue »
Yesterday we lifted up a Wall Street Journal article highlighting the DREAMers’ tireless efforts around the nation this election season, and one of the campaigns they’ve worked on the hardest is the Brian Bilbray – Scott Peters race in San Diego.  They even recorded Spanish-language radio ads to to... Continue »
National Journal’s Ron Brownstein writes about the changing demographics in the United States — and how that impacts elections. He notes that Latinos, the fastest growing voting bloc, are a key to the future. And a number of Republican strategists are deeply worried about their party’s chances in that... Continue »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions, Latino Vote Matters, and Daily Kos:  We have conducted extensive analysis throughout the campaign season focused on the Latino electorate and our blogs have repeatedly argued that Latino Voters will be a major force in deciding who will be the next President of the United... Continue »
In the last few weeks, much attention has been paid to the importance of the Latino vote and its crucial effects on the upcoming election next week.  Also important are the people who are pushing the Latino vote to turn out—in many cases, DREAMers, who cannot vote but who... Continue »