Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is the self-styled leader of the dwindling anti-immigrant movement.  After the Arizona and Alabama laws he crafted were found mostly unconstitutional (except for their “show me your papers” provisions), Kobach launched a new vendetta. This time, he’s going after DREAMers, in the form... Continue »
Spurred by his first debate performance, some observers argue that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has started to “move to the middle” on a variety of issues, including immigration.  For example, Karen Tumulty’s front-page headline today in the Washington Post was said, “Romney shifts to more moderate stances on... Continue »
Romney Will Allow Work Permits for a Few, But Vows to End Obama’s DREAMer Relief Program For the Many  Spurred by his first debate performance, some observers argue that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has started to “move to the middle” on a host of key issues, including immigration.... Continue »
Last week, Mitt Romney made big news by finally announcing what he would do about President Obama’s deferred action policy: while he claims he would recognize the deferred action granted to DREAMers during Obama’s tenure, he would end the program upon taking office, leaving DREAMers who do not receive... Continue »
Cross-Posted at Latino Decisions and Latino Vote Matters: The latest impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll released today revealed a continued trend in support for President Obama, and increased dissatisfaction with Republican outreach towards Latino voters, with a possible opening for Romney on his education plan. [Full week 7 results posted... Continue »
As New Polling Shows Popularity of DREAMer Program, Senate Candidates Face Key Question This week, as a range of national and state polling demonstrates the popularity of pro-immigration reform positions like the DREAMer deferred action program, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made it clear that he would shut down... Continue »
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: Inmigración, tema definitorio en la preferencia de los votantes WASHINGTON – Sin determinarse aún el efecto que tendrán los tres debates presidenciales sobre la decisión que tomen los electores el 6 de noviembre, el presidente Barack Obama sigue superando al republicano... Continue »