Romney’s “Just Trust Me” Campaign Just Doesn’t Cut it On Immigration, Especially Given Campaign’s Tacit Approval of Anti-DREAMer Lawsuit This week has seen renewed chatter about the importance of Latino voters to the 2012 elections.  Coverage has focused on the news that Mitt Romney’s campaign has a goal of... Continue »
Kris Kobach, immigration advisor to the Romney campaign, architect of the infamous Arizona and Alabama immigration laws, and driving force behind the Republican Party’s hard line platform on immigration, today joined with Roy Beck of NumbersUSA, the head of a leading anti-immigrant organization, and Chris Crane, the head of... Continue »
Anti-Immigrant Leaders and ICE Agents Join Forces to Try to Stop DREAMers from Gaining Security and Work Permission in America Washington, DC – Kris Kobach, immigration advisor to the Romney campaign, architect of the infamous Arizona and Alabama immigration laws, and driving force behind the Republican Party’s hard line... Continue »
On Tuesday morning, we reported that Kris Kobach, Romney advisor and one of the most notoriously anti-immigrant officials in the nation, was playing a key role in the creation of the GOP platform. Tuesday afternoon, Kobach succeeded in pushing harsh anti-immigrant language into the Republican platform.  Via Politico: Kansas Secretary... Continue »
An array of Republican voices and surrogates are claiming that a President Mitt Romney would push for sensible immigration reform policy.  Fluent Spanish-speaking son Craig Romney has appeared in Spanish language ads promising that his “father will work toward a permanent solution to our immigration system.”  Senator John McCain... Continue »
As Courts Crack Down on Kris Kobach Approach to Immigration, Romney’s GOP Doubles Down Washington, DC – An array of Republican voices and surrogates are claiming that a President Mitt Romney would push for sensible immigration reform policy.  Fluent Spanish-speaking son Craig Romney has appeared in Spanish language ads... Continue »
The reviews are in about the first few days of deferred action, with a range of observers praising the program and citing inspiring stories of young people who have a new opportunity to contribute to the only country they know as home.  Describing an application workshop held by the... Continue »
While Extremists Define the GOP, Top Republicans Continue to Avoid Immigration Issue The reviews are in about the first few days of the new DREAMer protection policy, with a range of observers praising the program and citing inspiring stories of young people who have a new opportunity to contribute... Continue »