This week Latino Decisions and America’s Voice release additional datapoints from our June 2012 5-state battleground survey.  Below are results and related analysis from Matt Barreto of Latino Decisions: In advance of the Supreme Court decision on Arizona’s controversial SB1070, we asked Latino voters how they would feel if the court... Continue »
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Florida – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney didn’t tell his audience at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) annual conference whether or not he’d rescind the Obama Administration’s temporary relief from deportation for certain DREAMers. He promised that if elected “I... Continue »
As we wrote yesterday, Mitt Romney’s NALEO speech left many questions unanswered regarding immigration policy, including whether or not a President Romney would rescind President Obama’s new directive to protect DREAM-eligible young people.  It turns out that many others share our confusion, including a campaign policy advisor, who today... Continue »
Via Judd Legum at Think Progress, we learn what many of us thought, but hadn’t quite heard from anyone inside the Romney campaign — until now: Ray Walser, a co-chair of Mitt Romney’s campaign for issues pertaining to Latin America, finally spilled the beans: …Mr Walser, told The Daily Telegraph: “My anticipation is... Continue »
As the issue of immigration takes center stage, and the political world watches the dueling speeches of Mitt Romney and President Obama at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference, the Republican echo chamber seems to have settled on a set of talking points.  Together,... Continue »
As the issue of immigration takes center stage, and the political world watches the dueling speeches at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference between Mitt Romney and President Obama, the Republican echo chamber seems to have settled on a set of talking points.  Together,... Continue »
A decision from the Supreme Court on Arizona vs. United States is expected next week, where the issue in contention is whether the law usurps the federal government’s power to regulate immigration laws. While we wait for a decision, Puente Arizona is taking the lead by strengthening “Barrio Defense Committees” in Arizona,... Continue »