Washington Post (Plum Line): How to know whether GOP is serious about immigration reform By Greg Sargent PR Week: Is 2014 the year immigration reform becomes a reality? By Laura Nichols Politico: House GOP to gather for retreat By Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan MSNBC: 5 things to watch... Continue »
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III will say anything to stop immigration reform. At USA Today, Sen. Sessions (R-AL) desperately tried to tie immigration reform to the growing concern over income inequality. He argues — again — that reform is bad for American workers and the US economy.  Sessions and his... Continue »
House Republicans, in the next few days, are finally taking some steps toward immigration reform, by holding a summit to discuss the issue and releasing a statement of principles.  It’s still unclear what they’ll propose, after an entire year in which they dragged their feet and did nothing on... Continue »
As we wait for the House of Representatives’ forthcoming “principles” on immigration reform—and ultimately their bills—there are a variety of positions within the undocumented community regarding what they want to see out of reform. Some would be content with permission to work. Others feel their contributions and family ties... Continue »
The State of the Union address is tomorrow, but today House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) went on CNN to discuss the House Democrats’ 2014 legislative priorities, including passing immigration reform.  In his comments, he reminded us that immigration reform could pass through the House today if Speaker Boehner... Continue »
The Hill: Pro-immigration Republican forces renew efforts for reform By Russell Berman VOXXI: Immigration reform advocates to attend Tuesday’s State of the Union By Griselda Nevarez Arizona Republic: House Republicans to offer own immigration reform plan By Dan Nowicki and Daniel González Associated Press: Deportations decrease in Ga., Carolinas... Continue »
House Republicans will soon be releasing their statement of principles on immigration, and we hope they’ll be along the lines of a statement we put out months ago.  If the GOP is serious about reforming immigration, we wrote, any legislation needs to include an achievable path to citizenship, attract... Continue »
As we pointed out last week, we are a long way from 2010.  States, rather than passing ugly anti-immigrant laws like Arizona’s SB 1070 and Alabama’s HB 56, are signing in-state tuition bills, allowing immigrants to legally drive, and passing measures that would give families some protection from deportation.... Continue »
For the second straight year, undocumented immigrants will be in the audience during this year’s State of the Union address, when President Obama will address the nation about his priorities this year and presumably urge Congress again to pass immigration reform. Members of the Illinois Democratic Congressional delegation — Reps.... Continue »
Yesterday, at a speech in San Antonio, Rep. Paul Ryan talked about the House GOP plans for immigration. During his remarks, Ryan spouted what has become a standard GOP talking point: Ryan made it clear that if the Republican-led House passes a handful of immigration bills, it won’t enter talks... Continue »