It seems that House Republicans can’t help themselves.  Could it really be that their hatred for President Obama and immigrants is so intense that they want to get rid of common sense policies that help military families stay together? Yesterday and today, House Republicans are backing two bills –... Continue »
Yesterday, House Republicans ONCE AGAIN voted against prosecutorial discretion and programs like deferred action (DACA), when they passed a bill (the ENFORCE Act) that would allow Congress to sue the President in federal court if he tries to use his executive authority on certain laws.  Effectively, the vote pits... Continue »
Roll Call: Immigration Doesn’t Have the Votes Yet, Ryan Says By Daniel Newhauser Cleveland Plain Dealer: Conservatives say they won’t move on immigration reform because they don’t trust President Obama By Sabrina Eaton National Journal: House’s Most Conservative Members Soften Tone on Immigration By Sarah Mimms Fusion: House GOP... Continue »
For House Republicans who call themselves supporters of immigration reform, their vote for the so-called ENFORCE Act (HR 4138) today thoroughly undermines their so-called commitment to reform.  Consideration of a related measure, HR 3973, continues tonight and a vote is expected tomorrow. As we noted earlier, the bill seeks... Continue »
Jay Carney: So it is, in my view, in our view, pretty amazing that today House Republicans went in the opposite direction by passing legislation targeting the deferred action for childhood arrivals policy that removed the threat of deportation for young people brought to this country as children, known... Continue »
Today, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney gave extended remarks on the GOP failure to pass immigration reform — and their foolish double-down on anti-immigrant policies like the bills to curb prosecutorial discretion being considered today.  Below is a transcript and video: Q    And then separately on immigration, House Republicans... Continue »
Today, the #Fast 4 Families bus tour stopped in Aurora, Colorado, where dozens of immigration reform advocates called on Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) to support legislation that stops the separation of families.  Present at the event was Mayor Steve Hogan, a Republican who supports immigration reform and called on Coffman... Continue »
US Attorney, David J. Hickton, Uses Limited Dept. Resources to Prosecute Non-Criminal Immigrant Father, Who’s Been Model Citizen for 20 Years  Part of the Obama Administration’s “get tough” strategy on immigration has been to throw the book at ordinary undocumented immigrants and then claim credit for prioritizing the deportation... Continue »
After Voting to Gut DACA for DREAMers and Slamming the Brakes on Common Sense Immigration Reform, House GOP Now Gearing Up Vote to Deny Ability of the President to Use Executive Authority Yes, it’s gotten this bad.  After more than a year of head fakes and false starts on... Continue »
Associated Press: Washington detention center hunger strike on Day 5 Associated Press: Immigration Detainees On Hunger Strike Threatened With Force Feeding, Attorney Claims EFE: Activists Ask Boehner To Show “Courage” In Pushing Forward Immigration Reform NBC News: Immigration Activists Hit National, State Fronts By Sandra Lilley and Suzanne Gamboa... Continue »