Some of our favorite tweets from the Senate hearing yesterday, view the PDF here. Senate Immigration Hearing 2/13 by Continue »
As a general rule: there is no reason, ever, for a member of Congress to ask a question at a hearing of the witness from the Center for Immigration Studies. (And there’s always a witness from the Center for Immigration Studies.) But this exchange, led by Connecticut Senator Richard... Continue »
Today,  Jose Antonio Vargas became the first openly undocumented journalist to testify before Congress this year when he appeared at an historic Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing. This was the Senate’s first hearing on immigration reform this year, effectively lifting the curtain on what promises to be a roller coaster... Continue »
Today was another milestone in the fight for immigration reform with a clear path to citizenship. The U.S. Senate held its first hearing. And, the pro-reform side showed its political muscle with a massive petition drive whose names were inserted into the record at the hearing. Nearly 300,000 Americans... Continue »
Pro-Reform Side Continues to Flex Muscle Following November Elections With Massive Petition Drive; Names to Be Inserted into Hearing Record   As the immigration debate continues to steal the spotlight this week—at the President’s State of the Union address last night and today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing—nearly 300,000 Americans... Continue »
The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, reacting to the immigration portions of tonight’s State of the Union address from President Obama, Senator Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) official Republican response, and the Tea Party response delivered by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY): When... Continue »
Frank Sharry Reacts to State of the Union  The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, reacting to the immigration portions of tonight’s State of the Union address from President Obama, Senator Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) official Republican response, and the Tea Party... Continue »
The big event tonight is President Obama’s State of the Union — and the rebuttal from Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), as well as the Tea Party rebuttal from Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). But for immigration advocates, the real action begins in the Senate tomorrow morning when the Senate Judiciary Committee holds... Continue »
With the immigration debate moving headlong into its legislative stage, the pressing question for Republican lawmakers remains – will most continue to side with the anti-immigrant voices in their midst?  Or will the GOP’s recent pro-immigration reform talk be followed with concrete action that demonstrates that the majority of... Continue »