Jun 7, 2011
Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts has decided the state will not participate in a fingerprint-sharing program that is central to the Obama administration's immigration enforcement strategy, dealing a new political blow to a program that has met rising resistance nationwide.
Last week, New York joined Illinois by announcing it has pulled out of the immigration enforcement program known as Secure Communities. In California, the state legislature is considering whether to let counties to do the same.
New York and Illinois have both withdrawn from the "Secure Communities" Program based on the assessment that it is poorly conceived and misdirected, it has damaged relations with immigrant communities and it has not achieved the goals for which it is was designed.
May 19, 2011
At his inauguration ceremony, Mayor Rahm Emanuel emphasized Chicago's diversity and his own immigrant background. But beyond that, the newly minted mayor has taken real first steps to make sure his government reflects that diversity, particularly Chicago's growing Latino community.
May 16, 2011
A proposal to provide college scholarships to the children of immigrants, even illegal immigrants, is forcing Illinois lawmakers to consider whether it's appropriate to lend a helping hand to people who are in the country improperly.
May 9, 2011
There is nothing to dislike about the Illinois Dream Act, which recently was passed by the Illinois Senate and is expected to move to the House for a vote in the next few weeks. The state's Dream Act approximately 95,000 illegal immigrant youths with the opportunity to get...
A program that is central to President Obama's strategy to toughen enforcement of immigration laws is facing growing resistance from state governments. Late Wednesday, Gov. Pat Quinn of Illinois said he was pulling his state out of the program, known as Secure Communities, the first time a state has...
Illinois children with at least one immigrant parent may become eligible for a privately-funded college scholarship even if they are in the state illegally. The Senate passed legislation 45-11 Wednesday that would enable children of immigrants to draw from a new scholarship called the Illinois DREAM Fund.
Over the weekend, one of Illinois' most respected Republican voices, former Governor Jim Edgar, penned an op-ed in support of the DREAM Act. Also, check out the new video project called "Illinois Dreams Together," in which participants around the state send a video message to Illinois Senator Mark Kirk...
Illinois' Senate race is one of the closest in the nation, and Latino voters could make the difference. The video will be distributed to over 50,000 online activists and youth, immigrant and Latino networks Today, America's Voice and Illinois Immigrant Action have teamed up to release a humorous...