There is a refugee emergency in Central America, and, to deal with it effectively, we need to treat it as a refugee emergency.  Central American kids and families are fleeing horrific violence, gangs and rape. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are among the most murderous countries in the world.... Continue »
Last week’s Supreme Court’s deadlock on U.S. v Texas was a tremendous blow to millions of immigrant families who are long overdue for relief. The 2012 DACA program for Dreamers transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people.  The 2014 expansion of DACA, and new policy for parents... Continue »
Last week’s 4-4 tie in the US v. Texas immigration case has generated disappointment and outrage from immigrant families and their allies from across the country. A growing chorus of legal minds have added their voice to the criticism, noting in particular the weakness of Texas’ original case, the... Continue »
Last Friday, Rep. Gerry Connolly sat down with Virginia immigrants as part of the ongoing “DAPA Dinners” campaign, which joins elected officials with families to discuss how deferred action impacts immigrants and their communities. The dinner — hosted by the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) — was the first since the... Continue »
His Deportation Force is Chilling and Un-American  This past weekend, Donald Trump objected to the media labeling the heart of his immigration policy “mass deportation.” He added, “people are going to find that I have not only the best policies, but I will have the biggest heart of anybody.” That statement would be laughable,... Continue »
In a new piece for the Las Vegas Sun, Viridiana Vidal, the State Director of Nevada’s Voice and an Emmy award-winning journalist for several Las Vegas Spanish language television outlets, reflects on why she left the field of journalism and joined America’s Voice. Vidal explains that “after listening to Trump for nearly a... Continue »
After yesterday’s heartbreaking deadlock in US v. Texas, this much is clear: immigrants and their allies are feeling the sting of the setback, but we are determined to dust ourselves off, build our power and make sure it is felt this November and beyond. As evidenced by accounts from across the... Continue »
Jorge Ramos: “Be bold. Don’t sit down. Don’t shut up. Don’t be a victim; change the rules of the game. And don’t go anywhere else. This is where you belong.” Yes, our community is hurting from the Supreme Court’s indecision yesterday on United States v. Texas. But we also... Continue »
Below are three key points to remember about today’s 4-4 split at the Supreme Court in the U.S. v Texas immigration case. The Supreme Court did not rule against the legality of DAPA/DACA+ today: Today’s 4-4 deadlock in U.S. v Texas means that the current Supreme Court could not reach... Continue »
While we may be discouraged by the tie in the DAPA and DACA+ case, we also know our fight for justice is in no way over. National leaders, members of Congress, immigration advocates, and community members alike gathered all around the country to express their commitment to keep our families together, to keep... Continue »