While we may be discouraged by the tie in the DAPA and DACA+ case, we also know our fight for justice is in no way over.
National leaders, members of Congress, immigration advocates, and community members alike gathered all around the country to express their commitment to keep our families together, to keep fighting for dignity and respect, and to use this November’s election to send a message that immigrant families are here to stay.
Democratic members of Congress:
Sen. Leahy: “In the wake of #USvTX I will not stop fighting for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. These families must not lose hope.” #CIR
— Sen. Patrick Leahy (@SenatorLeahy) June 23, 2016
Those who stood against these executive actions & waged this fight against family unity will be held accountable in Nov #FightforFamilies
— Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) June 23, 2016
A la comunidad q vela por los inmigrantes: Nuestro movimiento es fuerte, y la derrota de hoy no es el final de nuestra lucha #DAPA #DACA
— Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) June 23, 2016
It is for young people like Eduardo and his family that I will never give up the fight for justice. pic.twitter.com/GHqX01cT3C
— Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) June 23, 2016
El empate de #SCOTUS con #DACA y #DAPA es un retraso terrible para nuestras familias inmigrantes. Nuestra lucha sigue. #sisepuede
— Loretta Sanchez (@LorettaSanchez) June 23, 2016
I’m heartbroken for immigrant families around the country whose future is now in jeopardy thanks to cruel #USvTX ruling. #fightforfamilies
— Judy Chu (@RepJudyChu) June 23, 2016
After #USvTX ruling, I’m thinking of my constituents who have worked hard & achieved much, but now must fear being torn from their families
— Judy Chu (@RepJudyChu) June 23, 2016
Today’s decision in US v Texas is disappointing, but this isn’t over. We will continue to #FightforFamilies until all can live in dignity.
— Ruben Gallego (@RepRubenGallego) June 23, 2016
Right now @RepLindaSanchez asks that we call all our friends & families to vote in November! #DAPA #FightForFamilies pic.twitter.com/kSoA6ZQ1hT
— RI4A (@RI4A) June 23, 2016
.@RepGutierrez‘s message to @GOP & @HouseGOP, all republicans #FightForFamilies #DAPA #DACA #SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/GI2i4qFTTN
— RI4A (@RI4A) June 23, 2016
.@RepGutierrez outside SCOTUS: You will reap what you sow. Justice for our community coming in November
— Adrian Carrasquillo (@Carrasquillo) June 23, 2016
The #FightForFamilies isn’t over. Democrats will continue to stand with immigrants and work for a better country. pic.twitter.com/2pIcBWsR7m
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) June 23, 2016
Democratic candidates for President slammed the Supreme Court’s decision:
Today’s heartbreaking #SCOTUS immigration ruling could tear apart 5 million families facing deportation. We must do better. -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 23, 2016
Desgarradora decisión de #CorteSuprema de inmigración podría separar 5 millones de familias en riesgo de deportación. Tenemos que hacer más.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 23, 2016
Today’s deadlocked immigration ruling means that more than 4 million aspiring Americans will be left waiting for much-needed answers.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 23, 2016
We cannot let their future, and the future of so many more vulnerable people, fall into the bigoted hands of Donald Trump.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 23, 2016
Community members, advocates, and allies from all around the country rallied around families:
Today is a sad day for our families, but la lucha continua and our dreams live on #fuerza
— Lorella Praeli (@lorellapraeli) June 23, 2016
In the hardest of days, I’ve gone back to December 2010 in DC after the DREAM Act failed. We only got stronger @CrisAlexJimenez @Grei_sa
— Lorella Praeli (@lorellapraeli) June 23, 2016
and, just like our parents got up and fought every time it got hard, today we do the same…con firmeza.
— Lorella Praeli (@lorellapraeli) June 23, 2016
Today’s #SCOTUS ruling is a setback for American families, but we will continue to #fightforfamilies. https://t.co/S1U9aq5V94
— NCLR (@NCLR) June 23, 2016
We’re also a resilient nation, determined to #FightForFamilies. https://t.co/cjEo8yBG5V
— iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) June 23, 2016
We will not give up. We will not stop. We will #vote!!! – @Grei_sa #DAPA #USvTX #not1more #FightForFamilies #DACA pic.twitter.com/OkiG0YC2ME
— RI4A (@RI4A) June 23, 2016
We have come to far!
We won’t turn around!
We will flood the streets with Justice!
We are freedom bound!@UNITEDWEDREAM— Julieta Garibay (@dreamelder) June 23, 2016
The crowd has erupted in chants “yes we can” “#SiSePuede” because we will not stop fighting for immigrant families! #DAPA #FightForFamilies
— RI4A (@RI4A) June 23, 2016
MALDEF will not stop the #FightForFamilies until immigrants like its clients, the #DAPAPoderosas, no longer have to fear deportation.
— Karla Perez (@Karla_QP) June 23, 2016
“Were not building walls, we are building path to immigration reform”-@ArnulfoDLC #DACA #SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/vUIsuyYdLT
— SEIU Local 2015 (@SEIU2015) June 23, 2016
.@CrisAlexJimenez @UNITEDWEDREAM “we know Rs are responsible for this” #SCOTUS #DAPA watch out @GOP this is not a war you will win
— Lynn Tramonte (@tramontela) June 23, 2016
Long Islanders planning the next phase of the fight for immigrants & our communities. #Not1More #DAPA pic.twitter.com/zQX4LEd0kV
— MaketheRoadNewYork (@MaketheRoadNY) June 23, 2016
Today we #FightForFamilies at City Hall. We won’t stop! Can’t stop! #USvTX pic.twitter.com/C65o2MniDL
— Paola Mendoza (@paolamendoza) June 23, 2016
@AmericasVoice @PLANevada The fight doesn’t stop here our families deserve better pic.twitter.com/CUe6P0YcuA
Yovanna da testimonio de los efectos de la falta de decisión de la corte suprema @AmericasVoice @PLANevada pic.twitter.com/gnUEdF3XOs
“I am afraid that my mom will not be home when I come back home” @AmericasVoice @PLANevada pic.twitter.com/rNvqXMcdBj
Unidos seguiremos luchando por los niños de este país que merecen una familia en unida @AmericasVoice @PLANevada pic.twitter.com/Yn7Zl9jlLB
Today we heal. Tomorrow we keep fighting. We must. – @Cid_Price. pic.twitter.com/iSnTA3tOkU
— Catherine Lyons (@catherineelyons) June 23, 2016
Members of ProgressNow Colorado:
Freedom Tower in Miami, Florida (Photo by Elizabeth Marie Taveras):