Oct 25, 2012
This time last year, Alabama had just begun implementing its worst-in-the-nation anti-immigrant law, HB 56, causing chaos in the state and forcing neighborhoods full of immigrants to flee. At the time, state senator and HB 56 sponsor Scott Beason rationalized the law as “a jobs bill,” one that would...
Sep 25, 2012
Remember that crazy anti-immigrant law out of Alabama – HB 56? The one that was so bad that we referred to it as the monster of all immigration laws, which also resulted in a mass-exodus of Alabama’s Hispanic population? Here’s a reminder from an article in Bloomberg today: The...
Some news coming out of the 11th circuit court today regarding the Alabama and Georgia anti-immigrant laws — According to Ben Winograd at Immigration Impact: In a series of decisions issued Monday afternoon, a federal appeals court in Atlanta struck down major portions of controversial immigration laws passed by...
Yesterday, when Mitt Romney visited Birmingham, Alabama for a fundraising event at the city’s exclusive restaurant — “The Club” — he was met outside by a number of protestors from the Immigrant Youth Leadership Initiative of Alabama. The group chanted “education, not deportation” and held up signs that read...
In addition to their amazing cover story and video on the DREAM Act and the plight of immigrant youth, TIME Magazine today has a great story on the “fiscal fallout of state immigration laws,” or what happens to states that try to “deport their way to prosperity.” As the...
Immigrant rights groups were incensed at Hyundai’s silence when Alabama passed its anti-immigrant law, HB 56. Now that the state legislature has made a bad situation worse with its “tweak” bill, HB 658, the auto company has yet to speak out against the way immigrants are being treated in...
Alabama’s social and economic crisis continues after the state legislature passed another law that actually made worse what was already the worst racial profiling law in the nation, HB 56. And the backlash is growing against Alabama. Yesterday, on a call with reporters, national civil and labor rights leaders announced...