Immigration reform activists and supporters from all over Alabama converged on the state Capitol in Montgomery to protest the passage of HB 658 over the weekend, rallying together in a mega-march led by the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice. HB 658 became law last week when Alabama Governor Robert...
Leading editorial writers in Alabama and across the nation are unsparing in their criticism of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) for abdicating leadership and signing legislation that makes the state’s disastrous “show me your papers” immigration law even worse. Alabama’s largest paper The Birmingham News editorializes, “For a few...
Senator Scott Beason — the guy who once said that we should “empty the clip, and do what has to be done ”; referred to people at a casino in a predominately black county as “aborigines”; and author of the worst anti-immigrant law in the country, H.B....
Today marks the last day of the current Alabama legislative session, where state senators will take one last stab at passing another ill-conceived anti-immigrant bill. As legislators consider another “tweak” bill today, their efforts will be blocked by individuals who plan to fall to their knees, praying, singing, and...
Since the early stages of the GOP primary, Mitt Romney has championed extremist immigration policies like “self-deportation,” a radical right-wing strategy that aims to purge America of the 11 million undocumented immigrants already in our country. This policy, developed by Romney advisor Kris Kobach, has been passed into law...
Farmers Reduce Production, Take Other Drastic Measures Since the early stages of the GOP primary, Mitt Romney has championed extremist immigration policies like “self-deportation,” a radical right strategy that aims to purge America of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country. This policy, developed by Romney advisor Kris...
Today, Reverend Frank Hammond led a group of immigration advocates — calling themselves “Alabama’s Conscience” — in a protest at the Alabama Senate against their state’s controversial worst-in-the-nation anti-immigrant law, H.B. 56 and legislation under consideration that could make it even worse. “These laws are, by their very nature,...