Some news coming out of the 11th circuit court today regarding the Alabama and Georgia anti-immigrant laws —
According to Ben Winograd at Immigration Impact:
In a series of decisions issued Monday afternoon, a federal appeals court in Atlanta struck down major portions of controversial immigration laws passed by Alabama and Georgia—including a provision requiring public school officials to determine the immigration status of newly enrolling students. As the first decisions to be issued following the Supreme Court’s opinion in the challenge to Arizona SB 1070, the rulings (here, here, and here) represent a critical victory for the immigrants’ rights movement and another loss for Kris Kobach and other proponents of “attrition through enforcement.”
More from the Montgomery Advertiser:
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Monday blocked a provision of Alabama’s immigration law requiring schools to determine the immigration status of school children at time of enrollment, saying it violated the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.
The court said the provision “significantly interferes” with the right to a public education, saying it “targets the population of undocumented school children in Alabama.
A message left with the Alabama Attorney General’s office was not immediately returned. Marielena Hincapie, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, suing to overturn the law, called it a “great victory” for the children and families in the state.
There will be more here as the details come out and the story develops…stay tuned!